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Rozmawiałem z nią ledwo wczoraj. 开始学习
I spoke to her only yesterday.
Rafael Nadal to jej ulubiony tenisista. 开始学习
Rafael Nadal is her fave tennis player.
Wiedźma rzuciła zaklęcie na piękną księżniczkę, gdy ta spała. 开始学习
The witch cast a spell on the beautiful princess while she was sleeping.
Paul jest specjalistą w wygłaszaniu przemówień. 开始学习
Paul is good at giving speeches.
Tylko w górach czuję się wolny. 开始学习
I only feel free in the mountains.
W porządku, kolego, ale nie zapomnij o sosach następnym razem. 开始学习
Alright mate, but don't forget the dips next time.
Chcielibyśmy wprowadzić nowy produkt w następnym miesiącu. 开始学习
We'd like to introduce the new product next month.
Jutro zwiedzimy starówkę. 开始学习
Tomorrow we will visit the old town.
Policja złapała go na gorącym uczynku. 开始学习
The police caught him red-handed.
Każde dziecko potrzebuje przyjaciela. 开始学习
Every child needs a friend.
Dzieci poniżej 12 lat muszą być w towarzystwie osoby dorosłej. 开始学习
Children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult.
Żona zostawiła go dla innego mężczyzny. 开始学习
His wife left him for another man.
Czy to jest w ogóle możliwe? 开始学习
Nasze działania muszą być szybkie i skuteczne. 开始学习
Our actions have to be rapid and efficient.
Zawsze podążaj za swoim sercem. 开始学习
Always follow your heart!
Przyjechaliśmy na przyjęcie za wcześnie i zastaliśmy gospodynię nieprzygotowaną. 开始学习
We came to the party too early and found the hostess unprepared.
przyjaciel / przyjaciółka 开始学习
to jest przyjemny przedmiot. 开始学习
it is a nice subject. it is a nice subject. it is a nice subject.
To jest mój najlepszy przyjaciel. 开始学习
This is my best friend. This is my best friend. This is my best friend.
too early. too early. too early. too early.
Przyjechaliśmy na przyjęcie za wcześnie i zastaliśmy gospodynię nieprzygotowaną. 开始学习
We arrived too early for the party and found the hostess unprepared.
Where are you going now? Where are you going now? Where are you going now? Where. are. you. going. now?
Czy prowadzisz teraz samochód? 开始学习
Are you driving a car now?
czy mógłbyś przedstawić mnie swojemu przyjacielowi? 开始学习
could you. please. introduce. me to your friend could you. please introduce.me. to. your friend
Do you know each other? Do you know each other? Do you know each other? Do you know each other?
sądzę, że się spotkaliśmy wcześniej. 开始学习
I think we have met before. I think we have met before. I think we have met before. I think we have met before. I think we; ve met before.
everybody is alright. everybody is alright. everybody is alright. everybody is alright.
czy to jest twoja pierwsza wizyta? 开始学习
is this your first visit. is this your first visit. is this your first visit
jaka jest twoja narodowość? 开始学习
what's your nationality? what's your nationality? what's your nationality? what's your nationality?
are you czech. are you czech are you czech
jestem tutaj ze swoją żoną. 开始学习
I'm here with my wife. I’m here with my wife. I am here with my wife.
I am a single. I am a single. I am a single.
czy jesteś żonaty/ mężatką? 开始学习
are you married. are you married are you married
do you have any children. do you have any children do you have any children
children. children. children. children.
child. child. child. child.
my child. my child. my child. my child.
chciałabym powiedzieć do widzenia. 开始学习
I would like to say goodbye. I would like to say goodbye. I would like to say goodbye. I would like to say goodbye.
Przepraszam, musze lecieć. 开始学习
Sorry, I have to go. Sorry, I have to go. Sorry, I have to go. Sorry, I have to go.
Przepraszam, musze lecieć. 开始学习
Sorry, I must be off now. Sorry, I must be off now. Sorry, I must be off now. Sorry, I must be off now.
Thank you for a nice evening. Thank you for a nice eveningThank you for a nice evening. Thank. you. for. a nice evening.
I know you are in a hurry. I know you are in a hurry. I know you are in a hurry. I know you are in a hurry.
kiedy mogę cię znowu zobaczyć. 开始学习
when can i see you again when can i see you again. when can i see you again
chcę ciebie zobaczyć tak szybko, jak to możliwe. 开始学习
I want to see you as soon as possible. I want to see you as soon as possible. I want. to see. you. as soon.as. possible.
tak szybko, jak to możliwe 开始学习
as soon as possible. as soon as possible. as soon as possible.
we know each other by sight. we know each other by sight. we know each other by sight. we know. each. other.by. sight.
myślę, że się spotkaliśmy wcześniej. 开始学习
I think we've met before. I think we've met before. I think we've met before. I think we've met before.
do you speak English. do you speak English. do you speak English.
Yes, but a little. Yes, but a little.