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[verb] - to move a recording forwards to a later point without playing it Can you fast-forward this song? I hate it. 开始学习
I took your phone instead of mine by mistake. 开始学习
The judges were pleased with all of the entries to the competition. 开始学习
zadowolony, usatysfakcjonowany Sędziowie byli zadowoleni z wszystkich biorących udział w zawodach.
[adjective] - with the top very low so that you can see the neck and the top of the woman's chest She looked great in a low-cut cotton sundress. 开始学习
[adverb] - in a kind, gentle and loving way She looked at her husband tenderly and gave him a kiss. 开始学习
czule, troskliwie, delikatnie
The ship was named in honor of the city's founder. 开始学习
na czyjąś cześć, ku czyjejś czci
[noun] - a very light, sweet food made by mixing sugar with egg white and baking it These meringue cookies are a bit time consuming but they are worth it. 开始学习
[adjective] - that makes somebody feel extremely frightened The brave knight charged at the terrifying dragon. 开始学习
Dzielny rycerz ruszył na przerażającego smoka.
[noun] - a party given by someone who has just moved into a new home We're having a house-warming on Saturday if you'd like to come. 开始学习
oblanie nowego mieszkania, parapetówka
The signposts can be confusing for people who don't know the area. 开始学习
mylący dla kogoś, niejasny
Gillian's dad put a swing up for her in the old oak tree. 开始学习
Tata Gillian zawiesił dla niej huśtawkę na starym dębie.
[noun] - the date printed on a food or drink container after which it should not be sold This yoghurt is past its sell-by date. 开始学习
He went to Dublin with the aim of finding a job. 开始学习
[noun] - a short performance given by an actor, a singer, etc., so that someone can decide whether they are suitable to act in a play, sing in a concert, etc. She said her audition for a musical went very well. 开始学习
[adjective] - that exists or happens in all parts of the world The show has attracted worldwide attention. 开始学习
[verb] - to fight better than somebody He challenged the man and outfought him. 开始学习
pokonać kogoś, wygrać z kimś w walce
My sister persuaded me into entering the competition. 开始学习
przekonać kogoś do czegoś
We are observing an economic revival. 开始学习
Obserwujemy ożywienie gospodarcze.
He had to drag the sack of potatoes because it was too heavy to carry. 开始学习
Musiał ciągnąć ten wór z ziemniakami, gdyż był on za ciężki, żeby go nieść.
The flower has a scent exactly like perfume 开始学习
Ten kwiat ma zapach dokładnie jak perfumy.
He gave the beggar a few coins out of pity. 开始学习
z współczucia, z litości, przez litość
[verb] - to remove things that you do not use so that you have more space and can easily find things that you need I decided it was time to declutter my living room. 开始学习
uporządkować, odgracić, pozbyć się niepotrzebnych rzeczy
[verb] - to fill a hole with a piece of suitable material He hasn't plugged that leak in the pipe yet. 开始学习
There is a free spot on the beach. 开始学习
Na plaży jest wolne miejsce.
We need to realise some of our company's assets. 开始学习
Musimy upłynnić część aktywów spółki.
[noun] - someone who goes to a religious ceremony to worship God The Pope addressed worshippers from a window overlooking St Peter's Square. 开始学习
They always acted in compliance with environmental laws. 开始学习
[noun] - a person who receives a pension, especially the government pension given to old people Various discounts are available to pensioners. 开始学习
[verb] - to discover the facts about something; to calculate something exactly We are trying to determine exactly what happened that night. 开始学习
These fortified walls were built during the reign of Elizabeth I. 开始学习
[adjective] - that shows no interest or enthusiasm Teenagers today are often apathetic about school. 开始学习
The choir joined the orchestra for the final performance, singing the national anthem. 开始学习
Chór dołączył do orkiestry w finałowym występie i odśpiewał hymn narodowy.
That little dog is such a nuisance. It keeps running around getting under everyone's feet. 开始学习
Ten mały pies to takie utrapienie. Cały czas biega i wchodzi wszystkim pod nogi.
[verb] - to make somebody have strong feelings of happiness and enthusiasm Travelling around the world really excites me. 开始学习
The traffic jam seemed to stretch for kilometres. 开始学习
rozciągać się, ciągnąć się
[verb] - to feel upset because somebody has something that you would like I don't begrudge him being so successful. 开始学习
I somehow never feel completely at ease with him. 开始学习
Don't lay your bag on the bench, it's just been painted! 开始学习
Nie kładź torebki na tej ławce, dopiero co ją pomalowano.
He has a deep distrust of the media. 开始学习
nieufność do, podejrzliwość
These days farmers use big machines to harvest their corn. 开始学习
W dzisiejszych czasach farmerzy używają wielkich maszyn do zbierania kukurydzy.
[adjective] - that causes you to lose most of your energy; very tiring We all found the lockdown emotionally draining. 开始学习
[adverb] - in a way that is socially acceptable or good She was the only person who behaved decently towards him. 开始学习
[noun] - an expression of very strong disapproval There was widespread condemnation of the terrorist attack. 开始学习
His dog is devoted to him and follows him everywhere. 开始学习
Jego pies jest mu oddany i wszędzie za nim chodzi.
He got hit on his head and is unconscious, bleeding from his nose. 开始学习
Dostał w głowę i jest nieprzytomny, krwawi z nosa.
[noun] - a small knife with blades that fold into the handle, usually carried in your pocket He always carries a penknife in his pocket. 开始学习
According to the police, the Porsche driver was at fault for the accident. 开始学习
winny, odpowiedzialny za coś
With all due respect I don't agree with you. 开始学习
Z całym należnym szacunkiem, nie zgadzam się z panem.
[noun] - one of the players in a game such as football who has to defend their team's goal from the opposing team It is his second season as a Manchester defender. 开始学习
[adverb] - to a degree that is fairly good but not very good He did reasonably well in German. 开始学习
rozsądnie, w miarę, całkiem
Sweets should be eaten in moderation. 开始学习
She has a lot of costly ideas concerning internal design. 开始学习
Ona ma wiele kosztownych pomysłów odnośnie wystroju wnętrz.
He was so intent on playing computer games that he didn't notice his boss coming. 开始学习
Był tak skupiony na grze komputerowej, że nie zauważył nadchodzącego szefa.
bardzo ważny, decydujący, kluczowy
[adjective] - able to be proved The defendant's innocence was not provable. 开始学习
The player was sent home in disgrace. 开始学习
Everybody felt sleepy at the end of his lengthy speech. 开始学习
Wszyscy czuli się senni pod koniec jego przydługiego przemówienia.
[adjective] - (of an animal) that eats plants The most common herbivorous pet reptiles are tortoises. 开始学习
Coarse sandpaper measuring 40- to 60-grit is good for wood stripping, to get a really smooth surface I recommend a finer one. 开始学习
Gruby papier ścierny o ziarnistości od 40 do 60 jest dobry do usuwania drewna, aby uzyskać naprawdę gładką powierzchnię.
I was confined to my room for a month because I had pneumonia. 开始学习
Przez miesiąc byłem zakmknięty w moim pokoju, ponieważ miałem zapalenie płuc.
The Director conferred with his deputies on the issue of job cuts. 开始学习
Dyrektor naradzał się ze swoimi zastępcami w kwestii zwolnień.
Don't let me disturb you, please proceed. 开始学习
Nie przejmuj się mną, kontynuuj, proszę.
[noun] - the quality of being useful, easy or suitable for someone The above list is provided only for users' convenience. 开始学习
Powyższa lista jest udostępniana wyłącznie dla wygody użytkowników.
Let's postpone the meeting till Tuesday. 开始学习
Przełóżmy spotkanie na wtorek.
A sex scandal cropped up just as the President was on an official visit in Spain. 开始学习
Skandal seksualny pojawił się akurat podczas oficjalnej wizyty prezydenta w Hiszpanii.
It doesn't matter whether he apologises or not. I don't want to see him anyway. 开始学习
mieć znaczenie, liczyć się Nie ma znaczenia, czy on przeprosi, czy nie. I tak nie chcę go widzieć.
[adjective] - not complicated, not educated or without experience of the world and social situations It was music which unsophisticated audiences enjoyed listening to. 开始学习
Burger King competes with McDonald's for share in the fast-food market. 开始学习
Burger King konkuruje z McDonaldem o udziały w rynku fast-foodów.
He boasted that he was the best swimmer in school. 开始学习
Chwalił się, że jest najlepszym pływakiem w szkole.
[adverb] - used to show that you are pleased that something good has happened or that something bad has been avoided Thankfully, nobody was seriously hurt in the accident. 开始学习
Sean Connery was best known for his portrayal of James Bond. 开始学习
przedstawienie, obraz, odtwarzanie (postaci)
[verb] - to change the shape or structure of something They set out to reshape the accounts department. 开始学习
zmienić kształt, przekształcać, zmieniać
People have expressed their displeasure with the decision. 开始学习
[verb] - to be or go beyond the usual limits of something He helped people transcend political and class barriers. 开始学习
przekraczać, wykraczać poza, przewyższyć
Her unexpected arrival set off a surprising chain of events. 开始学习
She has to undergo minor surgery. 开始学习
przejść, być poddanym (np. operacji) Ona musi poddać się niewielkiemu zabiegowi chirurgicznemu.
[verb] - to stop somebody or something from operating as a group; to separate or no longer operate as a group The pro-Palestinian organization has now been disbanded by French authorities over alleged links to the incident. 开始学习
I hope the work will be completed on schedule. 开始学习
A meteorologist forecasts the weather. 开始学习
Meteorolog prognozuje pogodę.
Asking our boss for a raise is like banging your head against a brick wall 开始学习
trzaskać, uderzać (np. o drzwiach) Prosić naszego szefa o podwyżkę to jak walić głową w mur.
We presented a proposal which was subsequently accepted by managers. 开始学习
Zaprezentowaliśmy propozycję, która została następnie zaakceptowana przez managerów.
The oldest son conducts the family's business affairs. 开始学习
prowadzić (np. spotkanie) Najstarszy syn prowadzi interesy rodziny.
This statue embodies the eternal beauty of the Greek art. 开始学习
Ten posąg ucieleśnia nieśmiertelne piękno greckiej sztuki.
[noun] - the way in which something continues to move, increase or develop They seemed to lose momentum in the second half of the game. 开始学习
pęd, rozpęd, impet, rozmach
You should keep the different aspects of your life in balance. 开始学习
[noun] - a system in which different groups of workers work somewhere at different times of the day and night The factory has recently introduced shiftwork. 开始学习
Food and agriculture industry is now in crisis. 开始学习
The old lady was gasping for breath. 开始学习
łapanie tchu, łapać (z trudem) powietrze, zadyszeć się Starsza pani z trudem łapała powietrze.
As he stretched his arms, his shirt ripped. 开始学习
drzeć, rozerwać (np. kopertę) Gdy rozprostował ramiona, jego koszula rozerwała się.
[adjective] - that behaves strangely or in an anxious way, often because you have a mental illness She's neurotic about her health - she sees her doctor every week. 开始学习
neurotyczny, znerwicowany
Her skills, coupled with her education, guarantee that she will find a good job. 开始学习
Be careful that nobody snatches your bag while you're walking in the city. 开始学习
Uważaj, żeby nikt nie zabrał ci torebki, gdy będziesz chodzić po mieście.
He regained consciousness four years after the accident. 开始学习
wracać, odzyskać coś straconego Odzyskał przytomność cztery lata po wypadku.
[adjective] - that has not been answered or explained Many questions about the crime remain unanswered. 开始学习
The transition from a totalitarian state to a free country was long and slow. 开始学习
The investigation isn't over yet, hence we can't disclose any details concerning the case 开始学习
Śledztwo jeszcze trwa, z tego powodu nie wolno nam ujawniać żadnych szczegółów sprawy.
A tiger was stalking its prey silently. 开始学习
bezgłośnie, cicho, w milczeniu Tygrys cicho skradał się w kierunku ofiary.
[noun] - a person who lives alone and likes to avoid other people The writer became a recluse in his later life. 开始学习
pustelnik, odludek, samotnik
There is a general recognition of the need for reform. 开始学习
[noun] - a definite or public statement that something is true or that you support something strongly He nodded his head in affirmation. 开始学习
potwierdzenie, zapewnienie, oświadczenie
Police have appealed for witnesses to the tragic accident. 开始学习
Whenever I answer the phone, the woman on the other end hangs up. 开始学习
Gdy tylko ja odbiorę telefon, kobieta z drugiej strony odkłada słuchawkę.
He moved from the mainland to Hawaii 3 years ago. 开始学习
Trzy lata temu przeprowadził się ze stałego lądu na Hawaje.
[noun] - a container with a handle and a lip, for holding and pouring liquids You brought your own jug to the pub? 开始学习
Przyniosłeś swój własny kufel do pubu?
He has a strong background in property law. 开始学习
Shortly after we arrived, it started raining. 开始学习
wkrótce, niebawem, krótko Wkrótce po tym, jak przyjechaliśmy, zaczęło padać.
The actor has pledged to give a million dollars to charity if we raise just $100,000 first. 开始学习
zobowiązać się, ślubować, przysięga Aktor zobowiązał się przekazać milion dolarów na cele charytatywne, jeśli najpierw sami uzbieramy sto tysięcy.
[adjective] - that hangs loosely because of being too big or having been stretched 开始学习
workowaty, luźny, obszerny
It wasn't immediately clear what caused the collapse of the building. 开始学习
upadek, załamanie, rozpad
He's an extrovert. He loves performing for large audiences. 开始学习
ekstrawertyczny, ekstrowertyk On jest ekstrawertykiem. Uwielbia występować dla dużej publiczności.
smakować, zamiłowanie do czegoś
[adjective] - that makes you feel happier or more hopeful It is a warm-hearted and uplifting romantic comedy. 开始学习
pocieszający, podnoszący na duchu
Derek never bothered to use his wardrobe - he left his clothes and shoes lying in heaps all over his bedroom. 开始学习
Derek nigdy nie używał szafy - zostawiał ubrania i buty leżące w stosach w sypialni.
David decided, on reflection, not to take the job. 开始学习
He couldn't hide his excitement about the project. 开始学习
[noun] - the feeling of not being grateful for something Unfortunately, his help was met with ingratitude and unkindness. 开始学习
She refuses to give toy guns to her children on principle. 开始学习
[noun] - a protein produced in the blood that fights diseases by attacking and killing harmful bacteria, viruses, etc. People with COVID-19 antibodies are protected against reinfection for at least three months. 开始学习
A distinctive feature of her works is intellectualism. 开始学习
The curves of Susan's body always attract men's eyes. 开始学习
zakręt, krągłość, krzywa (kształt) Krągłości ciała Susan zawsze przyciągają wzrok mężczyzn.
[adjective] - INFORMAL - extremely good or impressive Did you enjoy the party? Oh, yes. It was epic! 开始学习
Her disappearance caused him great anxiety. 开始学习
Jej zniknięcie spowodowało u niego wielki niepokój
Many believe that the true assassin of President Kennedy was never caught. 开始学习
Wielu ludzi wierzy, że prawdziwy zabójca prezydenta Kennedy'ego nigdy nie został złapany.
Computer skills are integral to this job. 开始学习
[noun] - the fact of expressing yourself in a way that is not clear The professor's speech was full of incoherence. 开始学习
niespójność, nieścisłość, brak związku
She was carrying a large bundle of clothes. 开始学习
pakunek, kłębek, kupa czegoś
It takes courage to admit a mistake. 开始学习
Przyznanie się do błędu wymaga odwagi.
A skipper should be fully aware of his liability. 开始学习
Skiper powinien być w pełni świadomy swojej odpowiedzialności.
[noun] - a sign at the side of a road giving information about the direction and distance of places Follow the signposts to the hotel. 开始学习
[noun] - the fact of thinking that you are more important than other people Kate's very full of her own self-importance. 开始学习
wysokie mniemanie o sobie
I'm placing a bid on that painting at the auction. I hope nobody else outbids me! 开始学习
Złożę na aukcji ofertę za ten obraz. Mam nadzieję, że nikt mnie nie przelicytuje.
They went on strike in defiance of union policy. 开始学习
There was a gathering of world leaders in London last month. 开始学习
istotny, niezbędny, zasadniczy
[adverb] - with only a small number or amount of people or things Sweden is a sparsely populated country in a relatively vast landscape. 开始学习
All the questions concerning the investigation should be directed to the PR department. 开始学习
Wszystkie pytania dotyczące śledztwa powinny być kierowane do działu Public Relations.
[adverb] - in a way that involves positive action She's been actively looking for a job for six months. 开始学习
He looked at her with admiration. 开始学习
It's unlikely that he will succeed if he doesn't study. 开始学习
Jest mało prawdopodobne, że mu się powiedzie, jeśli nie będzie się uczyć.
wiarygodny, niezawodny, pewny
[noun] - the quality of being comfortable, pleasant and warm I miss the warmth and cosiness of my grandma's kitchen. 开始学习
[adjective] - blocked or filled with something Please do not use the toilet, it's clogged. 开始学习
Nie korzystaj z toalety, jest zapchana.
utylizacja, usuwanie, pozbycie się, wywóz
[noun] - a person who causes somebody great mental suffering and unhappiness or great physical pain The moment she confronted her tormentor in court was very difficult for her. 开始学习
His dream of competing in the World Championship remained unfulfilled. [adjective] - that has not been satisfied or achieved 开始学习
[adverb] - in a way that exists or happens inside the body Luckily, he wasn't bleeding internally. 开始学习
I request for the immediate replacement of all damaged goods. 开始学习
wymiana czegoś, zastąpienie
[noun] - the more positive aspect of a situation that is generally bad The upside of this whole terrible situation has been that the family is now being kinder to each other. 开始学习
Pozytywną stroną tej okropnej sytuacji jest to, że teraz członkowie rodziny są dla siebie milsi.
We need a certain daily intake of food supplements. 开始学习
The boulder dropped from the cliff and rolled down the hill with a mighty rumble. 开始学习
Głaz oderwał się od klifu i stoczył po zboczu z potężnym hałasem.
Everybody was immensely grateful for the generous donation. 开始学习
The poacher shot the beautiful African elephant so he could take the ivory. 开始学习
Kłusownik zastrzelił pięknego afrykańskiego słonia, aby zabrać kość słoniową.
[noun] - the fact of being unable to have babies, produce young or produce new plants They have a completely new approach to treating infertility. 开始学习
My son went to a fancy dress party disguised as Batman 开始学习
Mój syn poszedł na bal kostiumowy przebrany za Batmana.
There were 50 or 60 people there. At any rate, the room was packed. 开始学习
We will quickly adjust to the climate. 开始学习
Szybko przystosujemy się do klimatu.
I'm sure you will recover from depression and accomplish great things. After a storm always comes a calm. 开始学习
Jestem pewien, że wyjdziesz z depresji i osiągniesz wielkie rzeczy. Po nocy zawsze przychodzi dzień.
pływak, pływać, unosić się
[noun] - an area where people live outside the centre of the city He's renting a flat in a suburb of Dublin. 开始学习
The overuse of antibiotics promotes antibiotic resistance. 开始学习
[adjective] - without a sign or words to show what or where something is Police officers may patrol and pull over individuals when in unmarked cars. 开始学习
nieoznaczony, nieoznakowany
[noun] - the quality of expressing something in very few words His report is a masterpiece of brevity. 开始学习
The emergence of social media over the last few decades has had a significant impact on human society in several ways. 开始学习
Put your clothes in a bucket to soak before you put them in the washing machine. 开始学习
Włóż ubrania do wiadra, żeby namokły przed tym, jak włożysz je do pralki.
[adjective] - very determined to do what you want to do My grandmother was an independent and strong-willed woman. 开始学习
So you're finally back! Robert exclaimed. 开始学习
Więc w końcu wróciłaś!, wykrzyknął Robert.
spraw, dotyczyć, obchodzić
[noun] - a person whose job is to judge or decide the amount, value, quality or importance of something 开始学习
asesor, biegły, rzeczoznawca
Wait a second, I'll straighten your tie. 开始学习
Poczekaj chwilkę, wyprostuję ci krawat.