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Me bano a las siete y media 开始学习
Mi hermana se ducha (ducharse) 开始学习
My sister is showering (showering)
Mi madre se enfada (enfadarse) mucho 开始学习
My mother often gets angry
se (el) acuesta a las once 开始学习
he (he) goes to bed at eleven
me lavo, te lavas, se lava, nos lavamos, os lavais, se lavan 开始学习
Acostandose temprano, se descansa mejor 开始学习
you fell more rested if you go to bed early
Me estoy lavando las manos 开始学习
they don't write to each other anymore
what time do you go to sleep?
solo tiene 12 anos pero ya se afeita 开始学习
He's only 12 but already shaves
accion realizada por el sujeto sobre si mismo; el sujeto hace y recibe la accion 开始学习
action performed by the subject on himself; the subject makes and receives the action
Nos perdimos en el bosque durante varias horas. 开始学习
We got lost in the forest for several hours.
Este libro se refiere a la guerra civil. 开始学习
This book is about the civil war.
Siéntate y abróchate el cinturón. 开始学习
Sit down and fasten your belt
Después del accidente, Alberto se volvió muy cauteloso 开始学习
After the accident, Alberto became very cautious
No te sientes en el suelo 开始学习
Te has comprado una casa nueva en este barrio 开始学习
You bought a new house in this neighborhood
Solo me fumo un par de cigarrillos al día 开始学习
I only smoke a couple of cigarettes a day
Ella siempre se paga su menú y yo me pago el mío 开始学习
She always pays for her menu and I pay for mine
look at me when I talk to you
la sopa se enfrio y por eso no me la comi 开始学习
the soup got cold and that's why I didn't eat it
nos alegramos cuando nos lo dijo 开始学习
we were glad when he told us
I get very bored in class
Le prometí que iría, pero ahora me arrepiento (arrepentirse) No comas demasiados dulces o te arrepentirás 开始学习
I promised I would go, but now I regret it (regret it) Don't eat too many sweets or you will be sorry.
No nos quejamos, solo decimos la verdad 开始学习
We don't complain, we only tell the truth
No te atrevas a hablar durante el examen 开始学习
Don't you dare speak during the test
Me comi tres manzanas ayer 开始学习
I ate three apples yesterday
Paco se gasta todo lo que gana en apostar. No te gastes el tiempo tratando de convencerlo 开始学习
Paco spends everything he earns on gambling. Don't waste your time trying to convince him