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short and clear, expressing what needs to be said without unnecessary words; zwięzły, którki 开始学习
using too many words and therefore boring or difficult to read/listen; rozwlekły 开始学习
having an attitude of superiority towards others; protekcjonalny 开始学习
a person you trust and share your feelings and secrets with; powiernik 开始学习
behaviour that follows the usual standards that are expected by society; zgodność, przystowsowanie 开始学习
something that makes someone who is sad or disappointed feel better (c. if it’s of (any) ___); pocieszenie, pociecha 开始学习
a feeling of unhappiness and disappointment (filled with; in/with; to one’s ____); niepokój, konsternacja, przerażenie 开始学习
to make something complete or perfect; finalizować; doprowadzać do perfekcji (n. -ation) 开始学习
zanieczyścić, skazić (to make impure) 开始学习
trafny (o spostrzeżeniu); bystry, sprytny, przebiegły; przenikliwy (o spojrzeniu) 开始学习
sorry for past misdeeds; skruszony (n. -tion) 开始学习
(literary) sorry, wishing something had not happened 开始学习
a tough riddle, puzzle, or problem 开始学习
the fact of things become similar/come together; zbieżność 开始学习
very twisted, complicated, intricate and complex 开始学习
supporting with evidence, confirming; potwierdzający 开始学习
to constantly bite and chew; to make you feel worried, uncomfortable and guilty; gryźć, obgryzać; dręczyć, nękać (o sumieniu) 开始学习
the trait of being gullible and credulous 开始学习
increasing as each new amount is added or as each new fact or condition is considered; łączny, skumulowany, nagromadzony 开始学习
to stop before it’s finished, or to reduce (c. + severely); redkować, ograniczać, tłumić 开始学习
to very badly reduce the quality or value of sth; upadlać się, upokarzać się 开始学习
proper, appropriate, polite and controlled 开始学习
to censure, condemn, defame 开始学习
to give authority or responsibility 开始学习
harmful; disastrous; zgubny; szkodliwy 开始学习
a person (esp. a political leader) who wins support by playing on emotions of ordinary people rather than being reasonable 开始学习
modest, reserved and aloof (especially about a woman) 开始学习
to dismiss, to oust, to remove from office (from important position); dymisjonować, usuwać 开始学习
(about buildings and places) not cared for and in bad condition 开始学习
empty, lifeless, deserted; hopeless; devastated 开始学习
extremely poor (like extremely-extremely) 开始学习
krytykant (osoba wyrażająca raczej nieuzasadnioną krytykę) 开始学习
to depart from a standard or norm 开始学习
tricky, deceptive and unfair 开始学习
shy, not confident of their abilities 开始学习
the fact of being not confident and shy of your abilities 开始学习
dyfundować, ulegać dyfuzji 开始学习
to wander from the main topic or the main path 开始学习
delaying, procrascinating; slow and likely to cause delay; opieszały 开始学习
tiny, very small; także: zdrobnienie językowe 开始学习
to make publically known, to reveal; ujawniać 开始学习
to make something secret known 开始学习
to make someone feel uncomfortable, especially mentally; zawstydzić 开始学习
to confuse, to make someone feel suddenly uncertain and worried 开始学习
to cause disbelief in the accuracy of someone’s statement/reliability 开始学习
careful not to cause embarrassment or attract too much attention, esp. by keeping sth secret; dyskretny, rozważny 开始学习
slightly dishonest, not speaking the entire truth 开始学习
to criticize disrespectfully; to belittle 开始学习
a lack of equality/similarity, esp. unfair; difference in quality or kind; odmienność, różnica 开始学习
(v./n.) showing no care or respect for something, to ignore, to neglect; zlekceważyć; okazać brak poszanowania 开始学习
causing disorder, interrupting 开始学习
to hide real intentions, feelings or the facts 开始学习
to (cause to) move apart in different directions 开始学习
to (cause to) gradually disappear or waste; rozpraszać, rozwiewać; gasić (entuzjazm) 开始学习
to differ, to follow a different direction 开始学习
the skill/act of predicting the future; przepowiadanie przyszłości, wróżenie 开始学习
causing disagreement/disunity 开始学习
certain that you’re right and everyone else is wrong 开始学习
very strong, inner feeling of wanting to do sth; nieodparta chęć 开始学习
calm and controlled acting/behaviour; limit; powściągliwość, umiar; ograniczenie 开始学习
przymus (szczególnie w prawie) 开始学习
drawn from many sources; varied; accumulating the best options from different sources 开始学习
a brave and confident way of behaving with no fear; śmiałość, odwaga; zuchwałość 开始学习
extreme, shameless rudeness 开始学习
pouring positive emotions (too) freely; wylewny 开始学习
extremely bad, being noticeable in an obvious way; bezczelny (o kłamstwie) 开始学习
shocking because of being so obvious; jawny, rażący 开始学习
very happy, esp. at someone else’s defeat/failure 开始学习