Life Organizacja Wycieczki, Pakowanie, Dokumenty/Waluty - Life Skills

 0    4 词汇卡    jakubkoralewski
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Opowiedz że jedziesz do Australii
I go to Australia. It's very far. It's very big. It's very hot.
Opowiedz jak organizujesz wycieczke do Australii
I organize my trip. I book a flight. I reserve a room in B n B. I call a travel agent. I browse some offers. I select the best. I hunt for a last minute offer. I plan in long term with a first minute offer. I take some days off from work.
Opowiedz jak się pakujesz
I take a big suitcase or big backpack. My baggage won't be small. I'll pay for the overweight at the airport. I pack many things. I take toothpaste, toothbrush, dental floss, perfumes, nail clipper, dress, skirt, pyjamas, sunglasses and sunbathing lotion.
Opowiedz jakie dokumenty oraz waluty bierzesz.
I take a passport, valid until my return with expiry date after my return. I apply for a visa. I am granted a visa. I take a foreign currency, australian dollars and money for exchange.
