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He's going nuts because he is still without a team. You can really go nuts trying to do too much.
sprzedawać się tanio, zostać sprzedanym tanio 开始学习
Some was put on the market, and the most detested works went cheap. This was going cheap because of course it's very lonely.
I am worried about companies going bust in the future.
pójść dalej, zachować się bardzej ekstremalnie) 开始学习
iść ręka w rękę, iść ramię w ramię 开始学习
The two go hand in hand and support each other.
This sweater is made from pure wool.
We got grains of sand in the food while having a picnic/We watched grains of poppy.
Fruit consist chiefly of water. The majority of the group, chiefly boys, disagreed with the idea to go to a museum
I went on a protein diet.
We eat protein and carbohydrates coming from different sources.
I know people who don't eat poultry at all.
podtawowe produkty spożywcze (np dla danego regionu) 开始学习
dziwactwo, fantazja, moda 开始学习
How long do you think this Internet fad is going to last?
dominujący trend, główny nurt 开始学习
Every bit of music out there that's making it into the mainstream is really about nothing
zebranie, zgromadzenie (grupa ludzi, którzy spotykają się w konkretnym celu, np. podejmowania decyzji) 开始学习
Only 5 percent of the assembly members are women./ The assembly made the decision
wpatrywać się, gapić się na kogoś 开始学习
Stop staring at me!/For a long moment he stared at her.
zacząć robić (po uzyskaniu pozwolenia)/iść przodem 开始学习
nieważne, mniejsza z tym / Nic nie szkodzi 开始学习
Never mind, I'll do better next time./"I'm sorry for what I said." "Never mind."/ I'm not offended. Never mind.
dążyć do, realizować/ prowadzić, kontynuować 开始学习
I pursue fame and money./ Don't be afraid to pursue your goals. You should always pursue your dreams./You should pursue your research, it's very important for our project.
prawo (do zrobienia czegoś, np. do głosowania) 开始学习
I have as much entitlement to happiness as you do to misery.
psuć, rujnować coś, schrzanić coś, spartaczyć coś, dać ciała 开始学习
zachwycający (o widoku), oszałamiający (o czyimś wyglądzie) 开始学习
The result is stunning and the proof is elegant./This dress is stunning. You look like a princess.
zadanie, zadanie domowe, zadana praca 开始学习
That will be your next assignment./I got him to stop saying yes to every assignment.
uziemiony (mający szlaban)/stabilny emocjonalnie, rozsądny, traktujący coś poważnie 开始学习
You're grounded, young lady!/He's very grounded even though he has so much money.
zgniły, zepsuty/kiepski/zdemoralizowany/do niczego 开始学习
Rotten eggs smell terrible./I hate the stink of rotten fish
He's odd, I don't know why you are friends with him./He has an odd sense of humour./Why do I have an odd number of socks?
zmartwienie, przygnębienie, nieszczęście formal 开始学习
The boy had died at the moment of his daughter's affliction.
narzucać (np. zasady), nakładać (np. kary) 开始学习
impose (e.g. rules), impose (e.g. penalties) This is done by people who impose their will on others./ Mother imposed a punishment on her children.
When she was a child, her friends used to humiliate her calling her a fool./I hope I haven't humiliated myself during my performance.
niepewny, zagubiony (o osobie) 开始学习
Yet he must have felt unmoored, on his own in a strange land.
wyrzucić, wypędzić, przegonić (z określonego miejsca) 开始学习
kaucja, poręczenie (np. za więźnia) 开始学习
Your Honor, we ask that bail be set at two million dollars.
szczątki, wrak, gruzy, ruiny (np. rozbitego samolotu, statku) 开始学习
She just spent nine hours in the wreckage of her car.
You could just buy them at the airport, like disposable clothes.
łaska, litość, miłosierdzie 开始学习
There is mercy only for those that tell the truth /You will leave me at the mercy of my enemies/
Was he guilty of attempted date rape
It is not a matter of revenge, but justice must be done
godzina policyjna (wprowadzona przez państwo), godzina milicyjna (w poprzednim systemie) 开始学习
Make sure you will return home before the curfew
poirytowany, rozdrażniony 开始学习
I don't see any reason why either of us should get riled.
The words that he wrote were a cipher in themselves.
I looked up and saw immediate contrition in my father's eyes.
I can't imagine why, but he looks a little pissed. //You're pissing me off. Stop now!
gromada, stado, grupa ludzi 开始学习
A flock of sheep has escaped onto the road/A noisy flock of tourists came into the museum
gniew, ekstremalna wściekłość 开始学习
Maybe it will help you forget about her wrath at work.
She didn't ask anyone for permission
Pizza is my favourite treat/I invited my boyfriend's parents for a little treat.
wygrać loterię, zgarnąć pulę, wygrać los na loterii 开始学习
mieć właśnie coś zrobić, mieć zamiar coś zrobić w najbliższej przyszłości 开始学习
Watch out! He looks really angry and is about to punch you in the face
wpaść gdzieś, przyjść gdzieś (np. w gości) 开始学习
zbierać się, gromadzić się 开始学习
We've gathered here to celebrate together their wedding anniversary./Why have we gathered here?
śmiercionośny, śmiertelny, letalny 开始学习
But the heat was not so great as to be lethal to them.
get rid of something / someone We finally got rid of my little sister by telling her scary stories./ Let's get rid of that old armchair
nieznośny (o osobie), nie do wytrzymania, nie do zniesienia (o bólu, cierpieniu) 开始学习
After the accident I was in unbearable pain/The atmosphere at work is unbearable now.
przemoczony (o ubraniu), zmoknięty (o osobie) 开始学习
He could feel it cold through his already soaked shoes. / Just be sure that the newly set plant is well soaked.
zmniejszać się, ustępować, zelżeć (np. o deszczu)/ zwolnić, odpuścić sobie 开始学习
If the rain doesn't ease off, we won't go for a walk./ He asked the officers to ease up, to let him walk.
Did you get caught in the hail on your way home?
poślizgnięcie (się), wpadnięcie w poślizg (o pojeździe) 开始学习
Anti-lock braking systems are designed to increase vehicle safety by reducing skidding.