问题 |
答案 |
Wolałbym tego nie robić tego zadania 开始学习
I would rather not do this taks
Wolałbym żeby nie przychodziła 开始学习
I'd rather she didn't come
wolałbym żeby mi przysłał dokument mailem 开始学习
I would rather he sent me a document by e-mail
what was it due to be called?
The leashing of a Black man by law enforcement not only shows poor judgment by the officers involved but a complete disregard and disrespect of a Black man's life
Jak na razie nie mam dużych problemów 开始学习
I don't have big problems so far
Wygląda jakby chcieli zmieć uprawnienia 开始学习
It looks as if they want to change permissions
Błąd występuje podczas zmiany polisy 开始学习
An error occurs during changing policy
Błąd wystepuje gdy Jane zmienia polisę 开始学习
An error occurs while Jane changes policy
either way we should fix this bug.
Czy możesz odłożyć to do jutra 开始学习
Can you push it back until tomorrow
informal: to meet with (someone) 开始学习
I've got to go. I'll catch up with you later.
I have nothing to do at present
or (especially of a person or organization) the ability to do a particular thing: 开始学习
We arranged meeting tomorrow because QA capacity
"Have they arrived yet?" "I'll take/have a look-see."
Wygląda jakby mój branch znikł 开始学习
It looks like/seems as though my branch has disappeared
With '...' car insurance, you can claim from your insurer for accidents that are deemed to be your fault. 开始学习
comprehensive car insurance
crime 开始学习
something that might possibly happen in the future, usually causing problems or making further arrangements necessary: ewentualność, możliwy przypadek 开始学习
is dependent on 开始学习
o not demand something you have a right to, or not cause a rule to be obeyed: zrezygnować z czegoś, zrobić coś nieobowiązujące lub nieistniejące. 开始学习
The bank manager waived the charge (= said we didn't have to pay), as we were old and valued customers. If they waive (= remove) the time limit, many more applications will come in. He persuaded the delegates to waive (= give up) their objections.
Musisz określić wartość dla tego pola 开始学习
You must specify a value for this field
an act of sending someone or something to a person or place where what is wanted or needed can be obtained: skierowanie, odesłanie 开始学习
The doctor gave him a referral to (= arranged for him to see) the consultant.
moje wnioski są nadal aktualne 开始学习
my conclusions are still valid
uwzględnić, wziąć pod uwagę 开始学习
trying to accommodate the special interests of various groups
Musimy postępować zgodnie z instrukcją 开始学习
We must follow the instructions
used for telling someone to wait and not do anything or not worry. 开始学习
to control or hide a strong emotion, such as excitement or anger: 开始学习
Jaki to wpływa na nasze zadanie 开始学习
How does it impact our task? How does it affect our task?
to have no knowledge about something, or to be unable to remember something: 开始学习
I have no clue how it works
Make changes at the template
Tak czy owak powinno zadziałąć tak czy siak 开始学习
formularz o zasięgu krajowym 开始学习
in danger of being damaged or destroyed 开始学习
The 1.2 billion euro investment programme was being put in jeopardy by the strikes.