June 15 (2) ED5W_2019_11_22

 0    5 词汇卡    pavelabramov
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问题 English 答案 English
set one's teeth on edge
The kids screaming in the next room really set my teeth on edge.
to annoy you very much
somebody/something/somewhere or other
What did you have for pudding?’ ‘Oh, something or other covered with cream.’ ♢ ‘Where’s your pen?’ ‘Oh, I lent it to someone or other at work and they forgot to give it back
used when you do not think it is necessary to be more exact about somebody/something, or to show that the person/thing/place mentioned does not have much importance or value in your opinion
Seven men, all from Bristol, admitted conspiracy to commit arson. He believes there was a conspiracy to kill the president.
A secret planning by a group of people to do something illegal
despicable behaviour He's a despicable human being! It was despicable of her to lie about her friend. The Minister said the bombing was a despicable crime.
very unpleasant or bad, causing strong feelings of dislike
A plausible person appears to be honest and telling the truth, even if they are not
seeming likely to be true, or able to be believed
