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if two people or groups speak the same language, they have similar attitudes and opinions
mówić jednym językiem (mieć podobne zdanie)
speak/talk the same language
His actions now speak the same language.
if someone says something that shows they have similar opinion to you or makes a suggestion you like
You’re speaking/talking my language!
An afternoon on the beach? Now you’re speaking my language!
to say something when you do not have the right or authority to say it
odezwać się nie w porę, wyrwać się jak Filip z konopi.
speaks/talks out of turn
Wagner spoke out of turn when he said the election would be delayed.
to say something that is the opposite of what you have said before, or to express different opinions about something in different situations, in a way that may deceive people
speak/talk out of both sides of your mouth
The candidate has talked out of both sides of his mouth on the issue
if two people are not speaking, they do not talk to each other, usually because they have argued
nie rozmawiać ze sobą
be not on speaking terms
He was not on speaking terms with his brother or sisters.
to tell people exactly what you think, even if it offends them
mówić co się myśli
speak your mind
He was a tough politician who wasn’t afraid to speak his mind.
to give your opinion about something, especially something you do not like
powiedzieć swoje
say your piece
Sutton was allowed to say his piece.
used to tell someone that they have only to ask and you will do what they want
powiedzieć parę słów
say the word
Anywhere you want to go, just say the word.
to accept that you will not have something any more or that you will not get it
say goodbye to
Once you have kids, you can say goodbye to going out every weekend.
used to say that you completely agree with someone
święta prawda, dokładnie tak jak mówisz
you can say that again
‘It’s cold in here.’ ‘You can say that again!’
