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when someone talks a lot
(UK) can talk the hind leg(s) off a donkey; (AU) can talk the legs off an iron pot; (US) talks a blue streak
He can talk a blue streak about classic cars.
when someone talks about doing something but they never actually do it
wiele mówić i nic nie robić
be all talk (and no action)
He’s got several schemes for reducing crime, but his critics say he’s all talk.
(informal) to say the things that people expect or think are necessary in a particular situation
mówić przekonująco
talk the talk
She didn’t talk the talk of feminism, but her career was the most important thing in her life.
to do the things that people expect or think are necessary in a particular situation
poprzeć słowa czynem
walk the walk
People are motivated by leaders who actually walk the walk.
(informal) people are motivated by leaders who actually walk the walk.
mówić do rzeczy, rozmawiać poważnie
talk turkey
If we want to make any progress, it’s time to talk turkey.
(informal) to criticize someone or something in an unpleasant way
krytykować w nieprzyjemny sposób
talk smack
The two men were talking smack before the game.
when you feel that someone’s criticism is hypocritical because they have the same fault
i kto to mówi
(UK) You can talk!/ Look who’s talking!; (US) You should talk!
“Her house is so dirty.” “You can talk! When was the last time you cleaned this floor?”
when you have been talking about someone and they suddenly appear
o wilku mowa
Talk/Speak of the devil!
Jamie’s got a new job. Oh, speak of the devil, here he is!
(informal) to talk about things that are related to your work, especially in a way that other people find boring
rozmawiać o sprawach służbowych
talk shop
I’m fed up with you two talking shop.
used to tell someone that you agree very much with what they are saying
to mi się podoba
now you’re talking
‘Feel like going out for a beer?’ ‘Now you’re talking.’
