Globalization exam odp zdjecie 1-20 i part 2

 0    27 词汇卡    dieppei
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问题 English 答案 English
1. Characteristic feature of the transformationalist’s approach to globalization is:
The fact that globalization process can be influenced
2. A novelty in globalization process is:
Emergence of TransNational Companies
3. There are two main indicators of trade openness: trade to GDP and trade per capita. Which general comment is correct:
Both are high and small economies
4. Trade measured in terms of value added:
is already a basis for trade policy
5. Globalization Index, prepared by the KOF (Swiss think-tank) takes into consideration:
Economic, Social and political dimensions
6. Among the five currencies the most traded in the world one can find:
Euro, British pound, and Japanese yen
7. In terms of turnover, [...] of the forex market are:
Financial institutions
8. Which of the following [...] highest FDI inflow (as of 2
North America
9. The main motives of portfolio investment for the investor includes:
Increased profitability and diversification
10. International transmission can be observed in the currency that BOP may:
An increase on outflow...
11. Which of the following World Bank Group institutions does not grant loans:
ICSID (international center for settlement and disputes)
12. Two types of loans granted by the IMF which dominate in terms of total amounts outstanding are:
13. Which form of dominante [...] regional trade arrangements
Free trade area
14. The Constitutive features for the customs union which distinguishes it from FTA is:
Common external tariff
15. Uncertainty amplification mechanism is related to:
A lack of reliable risk assessment models
16. The Most Favored Nation (MFN) clause means in principle that:
A country cannot discriminate between countries enjoying MFN (WTO members)
17. Synthetic CDO
Based on reference portfolio and backed by a CDS
18. The policy instrument used initially to prevent or stop panics and runs on banks was:
Increasing bank deposits guarantees
19. International transmissions of the crisis known as “spill over effects” is based on:
Trade Linkages
20. Which comment is correct with respect to global GDP and trade dynamics in the last 25 years:
On average trade grows faster than GDP but is more volatile
PART 2. 1. How internationalization of firms can be measured:
Foreign sales ratio, foreign assets ratio, foreign employment rate, number of countries the company cooperates with, level of product export.
3. Compare first and second round effects of an oil price increase
The first round effect relates to direct effects of an increase in oil price. The second round effects of increase in oil price - indirect effects.
4. Present briefly main decision-making bodies of the International Monetary Fund:
Board of governors - the highest decision-making body of the IMF. It consists of one governor and one alternate governor for each member country.
4. Present briefly main decision-making bodies of the International Monetary Fund:
Ministerial committees - The Board of Governors is advised by two ministerial committees, the International Monetary and Financial Committee (IMFC) and the Development Committee.
4. Present briefly main decision-making bodies of the International Monetary Fund:
The executive board - The IMF’s 24-member Executive Board conducts the daily business of the IMF and exercises the powers delegated to it by the Board of Governors
4. Present briefly main decision-making bodies of the International Monetary Fund:
IMF management - The IMF’s Managing Director is both chairman of the IMF’s Executive Board and head of IMF staff. The Managing Director is appointed by the Executive Board for a renewable term of five years
1. Discuss the following statement: “Discovering new abundant stocks of primary commodities always leads to prosperity of the nation over the following decades”
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