
 0    2 词汇卡    muhammadabdulsameh
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the mutineers did not return that day. However, Hunter never woke up again and died some time the following night. The captain had been shot in the shoulder and the leg.
ومع ذلك ، ذكر الطبيب أنه سيتعافى بالتأكيد بشرط أن يحصل على وقت كافٍ للراحة. هذا ترك لنا أربعة رجال أصحاء: الطبيب ، سكوير ، غراي وأنا.
However, the doctor stated that he would certainly recover provided that he was given enough time to rest. That left us just four healthy men: the doctor, the squire, Gray and myself.
