ONZ General Secretary congratulated Mr. Duda an impresive victory of the election. 开始学习
Mr. Duda made a huge mistake when he talked to him. 开始学习
Two people from Russia made a huge contribution in pranking the president. 开始学习
It was quite a good prank. 开始学习
It doesn't affect the president because he is very stupid. 开始学习
This case is precedens in the world. 开始学习
Our presidents doesn't know what is the source of coronavirus. 开始学习
During the talk our president recalled some words in English. 开始学习
People in the world will remind it many many times. They will joke. 开始学习
Our president mentions that he doesn't like Mr. Prime Minister Tusk. 开始学习
Our president called the "help of the Soviet Union" occupation. 开始学习
Tusk expresses his fear that our government will not respect people of different orientation. 开始学习
In Poland, LGBT don't have the same rights as in the USA. 开始学习
LGBT community is hated by Law and Justice Party. 开始学习
"My favourite person" won the presidential campaign. 开始学习
Many people in Poland are concerned about the level of English language of our President. 开始学习
zaniepokojony / zmartwiony
Our president has a very good relation with the General Secretary of ONZ. 开始学习
By the way, this situation is not very important. It is very important that he didn't sign anything. 开始学习
He assures reelaction and cash for the next 5 years. 开始学习
Now, Mr president must struggle with problems. 开始学习
He is the best fighter with the monuments. 开始学习
I don't have many sleeping proposals from ladies, because I got old. 开始学习
President's integrity should be item of political discussion. 开始学习
rzecz / pozycia na liście / artykuł
When I want to make my wife glad beacuse I was naughty, I buy flowers. 开始学习
Unfortunately, this is very difficult word. 开始学习
It is unbeliavable that I study English for so long. 开始学习
My wife accuses me of many different things which I don't do. 开始学习
My wife doesn't announces that she wants to change her life. 开始学习