Doctor - UNIT 2

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问题 English 答案 English
1. A temperature
"She stayed in bed all day because she had a temperature."
A body temperature higher than normal, often indicating a fever due to illness.
2. Sunburn
"After spending hours on the beach without sunscreen, he got a severe sunburn."
Red and painful skin caused by overexposure to the sun’s rays.
3. Being sick
"I had to leave work early because I was feeling sick."
Feeling ill or vomiting.
4. Vomiting
The act of expelling the contents of the stomach through the mouth.
Czynność polegająca na wydaleniu zawartości żołądka przez usta.
5. Sneezing
"I can’t stop sneezing because of this cold."
A sudden, involuntary expulsion of air through the nose and mouth, often due to allergies or illness.
quick release of air from the nose
6. Her ankle's swollen
"After the fall, her ankle's swollen, and she could barely walk."
Her ankle has become larger than usual, often due to injury or inflammation.
7. Her back hurts
"She had to take a day off because her back hurts from sitting too long."
She feels pain or discomfort in her back.
8. Her finger is bleeding
"Be careful with the knife; her finger is bleeding after she accidentally cut herself."
Blood is coming out of her finger due to a cut or injury.
A sore throat
"He’s drinking tea with honey to soothe his sore throat."
it hurts when he talks or swallows food
10. Diarrhoea
"She got diarrhoea after eating food from a street vendor."
Frequent, loose, or watery bowel movements.
he's been to the toilet five times this morning
11. He has fainted
"It was so hot in the room that he fainted."
He has lost consciousness temporarily.
it's so hot in the room that he's lost consciousness.
12. A blister
"After hiking all day in new shoes, she got a blister on her heel."
A small bubble on the skin filled with fluid, caused by friction, burns, or irritation.
he's been walking in uncompotable shoes
13. A cold
"I think I’ve caught a cold because my nose won’t stop running."
A common viral infection causing sneezing, coughing, and a runny nose.
he's sneezing a lot and he has a cough
14. Flu
"The flu kept him in bed for a whole week."
A viral infection causing fever, body aches, fatigue, and respiratory symptoms.
he has a temperature and he aches all over
15. Dizzy
He feels that everything is spinning round
16. He's unconscious
"He’s unconscious after the accident, and we’re waiting for the ambulance."
He is not awake and not responsive.
he's breathing, but his eyes are closed and he can't hear or feel anything
17. An allergic reaction
"She had an allergic reaction to peanuts, and her face started swelling."
The body’s immune response to a substance (e.g., food, pollen), causing symptoms like rashes or swelling.
He was stung by a wasp and now he has a rash and difficulty breathing
18. He's sprained his ankle
"He sprained his ankle during the football match."
He has injured the ligaments in his ankle by twisting it.
he fell badly and now it's swollen
19. High/low blood pressure
"Her doctor advised her to monitor her high blood pressure regularly."
Higher or lower than normal pressure of blood against the artery walls.
it's 180 over 140
20. Food poisoning
"He had food poisoning after eating undercooked chicken."
Illness caused by eating contaminated or spoiled food.
he ate some prawns that were off
21. Choking
"He started choking on a piece of steak, and someone had to perform the Heimlich maneuver."
Difficulty breathing due to an object blocking the airway.
he was eating a steak and a piece got stuck in his throat
22. Burn
"She got a burn on her hand while cooking."
Damage to the skin caused by heat, chemicals, or radiation.
he's burnt his hand. He split some boiling water on himself.
23. Painkillers
"The doctor prescribed some painkillers for his back pain."
Medicines that relieve pain.
24. Antibiotics
"You’ll need antibiotics for that throat infection."
Medicines used to treat bacterial infections.
25. Bandage
"They wrapped a bandage around his injured knee."
A strip of material used to cover and protect a wound.
26. Tablets/Pills
"Take these tablets twice a day after meals."
Solid doses of medicine that are swallowed.
27. Passed out
"He passed out from dehydration after running the marathon."
Fainted or lost consciousness.
28. Lie down
"If you’re feeling dizzy, you should lie down for a while."
To recline or rest in a horizontal position.
29. Throw up
"The boat ride made him so seasick that he had to throw up."
To vomit.
30. Get over
"It took her a week to get over the flu."
To recover from an illness or emotional difficulty.
31. Come round
"He came round a few minutes after fainting."
To regain consciousness.
32. Ache
"I have a headache, and my whole body aches."
A continuous, dull pain.
33. Allergic
"I’m allergic to cats, so I start sneezing whenever I’m near one."
Having a reaction to a particular substance, like pollen or certain foods.
34. Choking
"She gave the child water after he stopped choking on the candy."
Struggling to breathe due to a blockage in the throat or airway.
35. Emergency
"Call 911 if there’s an emergency."
A sudden, urgent situation requiring immediate action.
36. Injury
"The athlete’s knee injury ended his career."
Harm or damage to the body.
37. Rash
"She developed a rash after using that new lotion."
A skin condition characterized by redness, bumps, or irritation.
38. Unconscious
"He remained unconscious after the accident until the paramedics arrived."
Not awake or aware of surroundings.
