字典 波兰语 - 英语

język polski - English

aresztować 用英语:

1. arrest arrest

They chased the man to arrest him.
We used emergency measures to revive the cardiac arrest patient.
He resisted arrest violently.
Tom was afraid that the police might want to arrest him.
The police arrested Hannah.
house arrest
The suspect was arrested yesterday morning.
fall arrest scaffolds must normally be a maximum of 3.00 m below the unprotected edge;
They were arrested and taken to a police station.
Police raided the store at dawn, arresting six men and seizing hundreds of pirated CDs.
He arrived at his local police station and said, 'Please, arrest me again.'
You're under arrest for riding an ugly horse!
They failed to arrest the company's decline.
The drug is used to arrest the spread of the disease.
No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile.

英语 单词“aresztować“(arrest)出现在集合中:

Zakupy, pieniądze, przestępstwa i obuwie po angiel...
Czasowniki ang tydzien pierwszy
2000 najczęściej używanych angielskich słów cz. I
słowa ze zbioru 27

2. take into custody take into custody

英语 单词“aresztować“(take into custody)出现在集合中:

Karol Angielski unit 4 4 4
słówka angielski 4D-4F:)
Week 39 / dreams
08 Complete English
high note 4 dział 4

3. make an arrest make an arrest

英语 单词“aresztować“(make an arrest)出现在集合中:

trzy ostatnie tematy
slowka angielski duzzooooo
Straightforward 7

4. lock up lock up

When you leave the building, please remember to lock up.

英语 单词“aresztować“(lock up)出现在集合中:

Angielski - crime law B2
file34 oxford

5. apprehend

The police expect to apprehend the robber before nightfall.
The police have finally apprehended the killer.
Are they going to apprehend the science?
The thief was apprehended in the act of stealing a car.
Finally I began to apprehend what justice means.
The police have finally apprehended the killer. She immediately apprehended the problem.
If one group is apprehended, then the rest go without them.
I sometimes apprehend that there will be some difficulty.

英语 单词“aresztować“(apprehend)出现在集合中:

FCE /B2, C1/ vocabulary - hard examples
sprawności zintegrowane unit 5
Trudne słownictwo
Lucynka - test

6. arrested

The criminal was arrested.
The suspect wanted to avoid being arrested.
Mary was using drugs, so the police arrested her.
There's a small possibility that Tom will be arrested.
Please explain the reason why she was arrested.
Thousands of people there were arrested.
When the accountant was arrested, rumour had it that it was for his creative bookkeeping.
Two policemen arrested a burglar. They caught him sneaking into Mrs. Miller's.
I'm not a little surprised that the policeman was arrested.
A high school girl posting on a web forum hinting at underaged prostitution has been arrested.
Rosa Parks was arrested, and the black community of Montgomery was shocked and angry.
If you cheat, you run the chance of getting arrested.
On May 18, a young Japanese couple was arrested after their one-year-old baby was found wrapped in a plastic bag and dumped in a gutter.
Robert Hansen was arrested on suspicion of having sold off secret information to the former Soviet Union.
The former president of a certain association has been arrested on suspicion of breach of trust.

英语 单词“aresztować“(arrested)出现在集合中:

Kolokwium 05.12.

7. bust

A bust of Aristotle stands on a pedestal in the entryway.
The economy went from boom to bust very quickly.
The cops busted him for possession of drug
There was a big bust upstairs, yesterday.
You are busted to a private, corporal!
He got busted again.
Two cops died in the bust.
Get down from there before you bust your head.