Latvian: day 2
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Latvian: day 2
Continue your journey with Latvian language

Take the next step in Latvian language learning
Learn new Latvian vocabulary and gain confidence in speech
You will learn simple and commonly used Latvian phrases
Our unique education system will help you to learn faster
免费试用 (20 词汇卡) 购买完全访问权限
Numbers - SkaitļiNumbers - Skaitļi  
60 词汇卡
And, or, but, so - Un, vai, bet, tāpēcAnd, or, but, so - Un, vai, bet, tāpēc  
23 词汇卡
Space - VietaSpace - Vieta  
32 词汇卡
Useful nouns - Noderīgi lietvārdiUseful nouns - Noderīgi lietvārdi  
36 词汇卡
Useful phrases - Noderīgas frāzesUseful phrases - Noderīgas frāzes  
20 词汇卡
Features - ĪpašībasFeatures - Īpašības  
30 词汇卡
Time - LaiksTime - Laiks  
26 词汇卡
A typical conversation from a student's book;) - Tipiska saruna no mācību grāmatas:)A typical conversation from a student's book;) - Tipiska saruna no māc...  
15 词汇卡
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Marcin Młodzki, członek zarządu
(Warszawa, 1. października 2018)

VocApp Sp. z o.o.
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VocApp Sp. z o.o.
ul. Mielczarskiego 8/58
02-798 Warszawa

NIP: 951 245 79 19
REGON: 369727696

Latvian basics

Do you want to learn Latvian basics, then use Latvian flashcards, and learn new Latvian words, like how to say cheers in Latvian . You will learn Latvian vocabulary, and speaking Latvian will be much easier because of our special teaching system. You will memorize Latvian words faster using our flashcards. In Latvian day: 2 course you will learn counting in Latvian, and so much more. Try out our second Latvian language course today, and you will learn Latvian grammar with flashcards . Now you can learn Latvian easier.

Why learn Latvian?

Latvian language, is one of two Baltic languages. Latvian is an Indo-European language that is spoken in the Baltic region, the territory of Latvia. If you have just moved to Latvia, or you are planning to come to work or learn Latvian by app is the best choice. You can decide where and when to learn Latvian. Latvian language phrases are fun to learn using mobile app. You will find a simple conversation easy to start when you get to know the basic Latvian phrases. Latvian language will become easier to understand when you have an app that you can check time by time to memorize Latvian words. You will learn to pronounce Latvian words, and you will feel more confident saying basic phrases in Latvian. Moreover, Latvia has a unique culture and history. The Latvian vocabulary will bring many benefits in the academic and professional fields.You will feel more comfortable while spending your time and living in Latvia. You don't need to look for a translator to translate English to Latvian phrase like "where is the closest shop?" because you will find all the useful phrases in our flashcards. So start learning today, and you will soon become confident when speaking Latvian.

Take a look at our course: Everyday phrases in Latvian
