Most common nouns 1 - 50 50 词汇卡 | Most common nouns 51 - 100 50 词汇卡 | Most common nouns 101 - 150 50 词汇卡 | |||
Most common nouns 151 - 200 50 词汇卡 | Most common nouns 201 - 250 50 词汇卡 | Most common nouns 251 - 300 50 词汇卡 | |||
Most common nouns 301 - 350 50 词汇卡 | Most common nouns 351 - 422 72 词汇卡 | 显示所有课程 (19) |
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地道英语习语英语发音学术用词表前1000个英语单词学习那些被用烂了的英语词汇的替换词美式俚语英式俚语英语拼写动词短语国际政治伦敦佬”课程有用的营销术语和表达百大动词短语摄影术语谁说的?-美国电影百大经典台词Advanced English: C1&C2 levelTOEFL - Most important wordsIELTS Speaking Exam
Why is learning English a great decision?
There are many reasons why learning English is absolutely worth it! English is the second most spoken language in the entire world, with over 980 million speakers! Can you imagine how many new friends will you make and how many opportunities does learning English bring? You will now be able to help tourists, learn more about the culture of other people or discover many new countries - all that with English! Also, it will bring you many job and educational opportunities! Learning English is not as difficult as you think because there are so many English resources that can help you! One of the best ways to learn English is with flashcards! Our platform will help you learn the top- 1000 English words right now! Each flashcard will present you one of the most common English words along with its pronunciation, definition or translation, example sentences and hints. These most used words are the basics that will enhance your English vocabulary and help you express yourself in many situations.
Top- 1000 English words
The list of most common English words includes the most common nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, pronouns and prepositions. These top- 1000 English words will help you progress with your reading comprehension, enhance your active English vocabulary and improve your social and academic confidence. This list of top- 1000 English words include all the basic English words you should know! Master this list of 1000 most common English words to proceed to more difficult English words and become an advanced English learner. The top- 1000 English words list is separated into several lessons so it will be easier for you to learn the words and repear them. Here are some examples of words included in the top- 1000 English words list:
- 1. year = a cycle of 365 or 366 days
- 2. seem = to appear to be something
- 3. different = not like something else
- 4. early = in the morning or before the expected time
- 5. up = from a lower to a higher position
As you can see, the top- 1000 English words list includes basic, but really useful and important nouns, verbs, adjectives, prepositions, adverbs and pronouns. Master the top- 1000 English words and continue learning more difficult English words with VocApp!
Want to learn more English words?
Do you want to know more than just the top- 1000 English words? Are you motivated to continue working on your English vocabulary? There are so many resources we prepared for you to continue learning English on our platform besides this course of top- 1000 English words! Our users create interesting and useful flashcard lessons to help you learn English, while our professional linguists work on new and interesting English courses. Take a look at the Synonyms for most overused English words, English idioms and Top 100 Phrasal Verbs courses. We are sure they will help master new English vocabulary and conquer this language! Continue learning English with VocApp to achieve great results in no time!