Ukrainian Words: Top 300 Adjectives
Englishукраїнська мова

Ukrainian Words: Top 300 Adjectives
Take your Ukrainian to the next level!

Expand your vocabulary and boost your confidence
Learn vocabulary in context thanks to sample sentences
Start speaking fluently
Remember faster thanks to images

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300 most important Ukrainian adjectives 1 - 25  
25 词汇卡
300 most important Ukrainian adjectives 25 - 50  
25 词汇卡
300 most important Ukrainian adjectives 50 - 75  
25 词汇卡
300 most important Ukrainian adjectives 75 - 100  
25 词汇卡
300 most important Ukrainian adjectives 100 - 125  
25 词汇卡
300 most important Ukrainian adjectives 125 - 150  
25 词汇卡
300 most important Ukrainian adjectives 150 - 175  
25 词汇卡
300 most important Ukrainian adjectives 175 - 200  
25 词汇卡
300 most important Ukrainian adjectives 200 - 225  
25 词汇卡
300 most important Ukrainian adjectives 225 - 250  
25 词汇卡
300 most important Ukrainian adjectives 250 - 275  
25 词汇卡
300 most important Ukrainian adjectives 275 - 300  
25 词汇卡
