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to say sth, esp. about sth you have just noticed; Pol. zauważyć, zwrócić uwagę 开始学习
This old place suits me," remarked William to his friend Marcia.
a smell, especially an unpleasant one 开始学习
she had often remarked on a slight odour on the staircase.
the meals that are provided for you when you pay to stay somewhere 开始学习
to employ someone to do a particular job 开始学习
she engaged to serve and clear up
to make a place look tidier by putting things back where they belong 开始学习
she engaged to serve and clear up
if sb is eager _____, they are extremely eager 开始学习
eager all of them – to a fault
bad, tempered and unfriendly [= sullen] 开始学习
totally free of the casual surliness
to cause pain, suffering, or trouble to sb, especially for a long period of time; 开始学习
totally free of the casual surliness that plagued their British contemporaries.
food that has not been eaten at the end of a meal; 开始学习
it was Marcia who frequently brought leftovers to Corduroy Mansions
unpleasantly wet and soft 开始学习
the-tiniest-bit-soggy chicken vol-au-vents,
a small round piece of pastry that is filled with chicken, vegetables etc and eaten at parties 开始学习
if someone or something is _____, a sharp pointed object goes through them 开始学习
cocktail sausages impaled
an insect at the stage before it becomes adult, when it is protected by a special cover 开始学习
pupae cocktail sausages impaled on little sticks, like pupae in a butterfly collection.
always thinking of the things you can do to make people happy or comfortable 开始学习
It was thoughtfulness on her part
the slightest hint of ambitious self-interest.
a very small amount or sign of something 开始学习
hint of ambitious self-interest.
to almost do something but then decide not to do it 开始学习
sort of interest that stops well short of any gestures of physical affection.
a feeling of liking or love and caring [= fondness] 开始学习
(formal) relating to cooking 开始学习
he continued with her culinary overtures
____ [plural] an attempt to begin a friendly relationship with a person or country 开始学习
he, replete on vol-au-vents, reflected on his good fortune