问题 |
答案 |
Are you good at meeting tight deadlines? 开始学习
Would you be willing to take on a heavy workload? 开始学习
Would you enjoy being a part of a close-knit community at work? 开始学习
make the best of something 开始学习
trochę czasu, aby zrobić coś
Which difficult things do you take in your stride? 开始学习
robić coś trudnego bez wysiłku
be taken aback by someone Have you ever been taken aback by someone's behaviour? 开始学习
być zaskoczonym przez kogoś
Which things do you take no notice of? 开始学习
We bought an old barn and took great pleasure in rebuilding it. 开始学习
cieszyć się robieniem czegoś
Have you ever helped someone that you took pity on? 开始学习
take exception to something Have you ever taken exception to anything someone has said? 开始学习
być czymś zdenerwowanym lub złym z powodu czegoś
to stand somebody in good stead I have learnt a lot of things which have stood me in good stead 开始学习
coś będzie dla kogoś korzystne w przyszłości
z różnych środowisk, grup społecznych
Dealing with a wide variety of people from all walks of life was part and parcel of the job. 开始学习
Her name keeps cropping up in conversation. 开始学习
pojawić się niespodziewanie
pomimo trudności, przeszkód
Have you ever found paying off a loan daunting? 开始学习
trudne, niekomfortowe, rodzące zmartwienia, trudności
I didn't like that job, I was doing it half-heartedly for a year. 开始学习
bez przekonania, entuzjazmu
It is hard to find a good job and you need to do a lot of networking. 开始学习
tworzenie sieci kontaktów w danej branży
I managed to scrape through chemistry exams. 开始学习
ledwie się udać, ledwie dać radę coś zrobić z trudem
As a young barrister he had to shadow his mentor. He was a mentee. 开始学习
naśladować kogoś będącego mentorem, promotorem
All students are undertaking work placements in local businesses one day a week for 12 weeks. 开始学习
nie mieć żadnych złudzeń co do
It takes a great deal of endurance to be a marathon runner. 开始学习
Potrzeba dużej wytrzymałości, by być maratończykiem.
A stay in the country will be beneficial to his health. 开始学习
Sports people are prone to injury. 开始学习
dotkliwość, surowość czegoś
The old bus station was pulled down. 开始学习
The number of students now has reached an all-time high. 开始学习
It's traditional for a man to carry his bride over the threshold. 开始学习
We drained the swimming pool. 开始学习
rura odprowadzająca ścieki, osuszać
The inert figure of a lying man could be seen in front of the car. 开始学习
He gave me directions to his house but I found them utterly bewildering. 开始学习
oszałamiający (negatywnie), zadziwiający, trudny do zrozumienia
He behaved with utter ruthlessness. 开始学习
There will be an increase in tax for those earning in excess of the national average wage. 开始学习
The club caters for children between four and twelve. 开始学习
Their prices are better than any of their competitors. 开始学习
They had the ability to perform in a very pressurised environment. 开始学习
I have invited a lot of people to the party, but I'm a little apprehensive that no one will come. 开始学习
spostrzegawczy/ zmartwiony, zlękniony
All the other teachers are thoroughly disillusioned with their colleague. 开始学习
obdarty z wszelkich złudzeń rozczarowany
a muddled legal situation 开始学习
The bar code had to store encoded message about the product. 开始学习
have a great deal of difficulty Simon had a great deal of difficulty in following the recipe book. 开始学习
to be on the point of doing sth As we were on the point of giving up hope, a letter arrived. 开始学习
zamierzać coś wkrótce zrobić
News of the cancellation of the match came as a disappointment. 开始学习
feel the effects of = to be affected by As this time of year, the area is often affected by violent storms. (the area often feels the effects of) 开始学习
She felt dizzy and needed to sit down. / a dizzying display of acrobatics 开始学习
oszałamiający, wytrącający z równowagi, jakby ktoś się kręcił
In the world of high-rise architecture, no sooner has a dizzying new height been achieved than work starts on the next contender for that particular crown. 开始学习
It will take some beating to build higher building in this town. 开始学习
trudno coś ulepszyć, poprawić
The new scyscraper will dwarf all those near it. 开始学习
sprawić, że inne rzeczy wydają się małe
a black box with gold lettering 开始学习
Sam curates an online archive, blog and burgeoning maps of hand-painted wall ads. 开始学习
nadzorować kolekcję, np w muzeum
The company hoped to profit from the burgeoning communication industry. 开始学习
rosnące, rozwijające się szybko
This book is an indispensable resource for researchers. 开始学习
Your chances of finding a typewriter repairman are ribbon-thin. 开始学习
It was my brief to make sure that the facts were set down accurately. 开始学习
3 hours is quite a chunk out of my day. 开始学习
fragment, szczególnie duża część
The leader was interviewed in front of a factory to give the subliminal message he was a man of the people. 开始学习
A group of young men swaggered around outside the bar. 开始学习
buńczuczyć się, pysznić się/zachowywać się arogancko
With a swish of the curtains, the stage was revealed. 开始学习
I am determined to take whatever action is necessary to rectify the situation. 开始学习
My argument with boss got worse and worse, and finally culminated in my resignation. 开始学习
osiągnąć punkt kulminacyjny
These scandals will not enhance the organization's reputation. 开始学习
poprawić (jakość, wartość)
His poetry conveys a great sense of religious devotion. 开始学习
przekazać wiadomość, wyrażać coś
I rooted around in my handbag but couldn't find my purse. 开始学习
I pulled up my car outside the restaurant. 开始学习
The dog is snoozing in front of the car. 开始学习
drzemać, szczególnie poza swoim łóżkiem
My cat likes dozing in front of the fire. 开始学习
You can have my bed and I will kip on the sofa. 开始学习
spać, szczególnie poza domem
It's just an infatuation. She will get over it. 开始学习
Students were protesting at overcrowding in the university hostels. 开始学习
She understates the amount of discrimination women suffer. 开始学习
bagatelizować, nie doceniać
She was completely baffled by his strange behaviour. 开始学习
She was so apologetic about / for forgetting my birthday. 开始学习
dressed in an immaculate white suit 开始学习
Military spokespeople tried to play down the seriousness of the disaster. 开始学习
If you want to get ahead, you had better learn to toe the line. 开始学习
She was feeling extremely put out by his rudeness. 开始学习
historic (important in the past) a historic day/ moment/ building 开始学习
historyczne (ważne w przeszłości)
historical (connected with studying the past) She specializes in historical novels set in 18th-century England. 开始学习
historyczne (związane z badaniem przeszłości)
After exchanging pleasantries, the delegation revealed the purpose of their visit. 开始学习
He broke his brother's new bike in a fit of jealousy. 开始学习
She went upstairs to beautify herself. 开始学习
The parade has become very commercialized as businesses have cashed in on the 'pink poud'. 开始学习
The size of the engine can make all the difference. 开始学习
Carbon dioxide is one of the greenhouse gases. 开始学习
Dwutlenek węgla to jeden z gazów cieplarnianych.
Most people don't want this country to become a dumping ground for toxic waste. 开始学习
An oil slick began to spread from the ship, leaking from damaged tanks. 开始学习
I heard his alarm clock bleeping in the morning. 开始学习
Her cell phone's switched off. I'll try her on her landline. 开始学习
Many cars are now fitted with satnav. 开始学习
He claimed that he had been deprived of his freedom. 开始学习
Children showing any symptoms of eyestrain should visit the doctor. 开始学习
zmęczenie oczu / ból oczu
You have high blood pressure - it might be a problem with your heart. 开始学习
Due to the joint pain, patients have difficulty in moving. 开始学习
Treat minor ailments yourself. 开始学习
Office workers can suffer from work-related ill-health such as repetitive strain injury. 开始学习
uraz związany z powtarzającym się przeciążeniem mięśni i stawów
Most people these days lead rather sedentary lifestyle. 开始学习
Większość ludzi prowadzi raczej siedzący tryb życia.
He was suffering from all classic withdrawal symptoms associated with giving up heroin. 开始学习
A major breakthrough in negotiations has been achieved. 开始学习
The high point of a trip for me was visiting the pyramids. 开始学习
The sharp rise in unemployment is a real problem for the government. 开始学习
She beamed with delight at his remarks. / The child beamed at his teacher as he received the award. 开始学习
Could you cast an eye over this report for me? 开始学习
People think I'm insane because I am frowning all the time. 开始学习
We spent the morning wandering around the old part of the city. 开始学习
New safety regulations has been brought in. 开始学习
I've been dashing around all day. 开始学习
Did you feed the data into the computer? 开始学习
My date kept going on and on about his charity work, never asking what I do for a living. 开始学习
What good is life if a guy can't kick back and watch a good movie? 开始学习
I'll bring Tim, if I can tear him away from the TV. 开始学习
She just knows how to wind me up. 开始学习
He has all the latest statistics at his fingertips. 开始学习
The course comprises a class book, a practice book and a CD. 开始学习
Do you prefer exams or continuous assessment? 开始学习
ocenianie na bieżąco przez cały rok szkolny
(face-to-face) socialising Face-to-face socialising is thought to be more powerful than social media in guarding against depression. 开始学习
życie towarzyskie, w realu
He used to lock himself in his bedroom for hours on end and refuse to talk to anyone. 开始学习
godzinami/dniami bez przerwy
The teacher is very genial, children like him. 开始学习
Her mood changed in an instant. 开始学习
w jednej chwili, błyskawicznie
The average human lifespan in the developed countries has increased over the last hundred years. 开始学习
żywotność, spodziewana długość życia
They're the sort of Washington politicians who would line the pockets of their Wall Street friends. 开始学习
nabijać komuś kabzę, wzbogacać kogoś
I can't handle that on a daily basis. 开始学习
It is customary to pay for such work on an hourly basis for the hours worked. 开始学习
safe in the knowledge that You can let kids play here, safe in the knowledge that they won't get sunburn. 开始学习
I stay on top of that project and I know what's going on. 开始学习
He supplements his income by working in a bar at night. 开始学习
Some of the frontier between Germany and Poland follows the course of the river Oder. 开始学习
I like to carry my bags onto the plane, so I try to travel light. 开始学习
podróżować z małą ilością bagażu
Do you think that shoes and clothing with built-in technology is the next frontier? 开始学习
Daily use helps reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles while strengthening the skin barrier. 开始学习
Fatigue and stress quickly result in a dull complexion and furrowed brow. 开始学习
zmarszczki na czole, zmarszczone czoło
Gary's had his hair bleached. 开始学习
I'd been up late the night before, and I had huge bags under my eyes. 开始学习
I usually wear contact lenses, but I sometimes wear glasses when my eyes are tired. 开始学习
He is short, with a greying beard. 开始学习
Peter has refused airbrushing because he felt it was inauthentic. 开始学习
They used carbon dating tests to authenticate the claim that the skeleton was two million years old. 开始学习
He is in no doubt that the government will raise the taxes. 开始学习
He was taken in by this faked photo. 开始学习
He felt like an imposter among all those intelligent people, as if he had no right to be there. 开始学习
oszust, podający się za kogoś innego
swear under oath/be under oath The judge reminded the witness that she was under oath. 开始学习
przysiąc/ być pod przysięgą
Her little white lie leaded to unforeseen complications. 开始学习
Sports stars are role models for thousands of youngsters. 开始学习
The funeral was a sombre occasion. 开始学习
McDonald was as streetwise as any of the criminals he had investigated. 开始学习
take sth with a pinch of salt You have to take everything she says with a pinch of salt, because she tends to exaggerate. 开始学习
wziąć coś z przymrużeniem oka
Tyler is remarkably worldly-wise for such a young girl. 开始学习
mający duże doświadczenie życiowe
Are you trying to pass yourself off as a migrant worker? 开始学习
Several families took in foreign students. 开始学习
They were very friendly, but it didn't take long to see through them. 开始学习
She was finally reunited with her children after 11 years. 开始学习
ponownie spotkać się z kimś
an ill-advised career move 开始学习
He told lawmakers that studies from three states have shown only negligible increases in insurance premium prices. 开始学习
dom dziecka / sierociniec
I hate posing for pictures - it always feels so forced! 开始学习
Vegan cuisine is popular nowadays. 开始学习