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something that we do and usually we are proud of 开始学习
a serious mental illness in which a person does not eat, or eats too little, often resulting in dangerous weight loss 开始学习
to cause someone to be extremely upset or shocked 开始学习
something terrifying or causing shock 开始学习
an occasion when an activity is done in an extreme way, especially eating, drinking, or spending money 开始学习
you check it if you are diabetic 开始学习
when you do something too often (washing your hands) 开始学习
unable to empty your bowels as often as you should 开始学习
reduce the amount od food consumed 开始学习
likely able to cause someone's death 开始学习
to force stomach contents up from the stomach and out through the mouth (vomit) 开始学习
a substance that causes an increase in the produc9on of urine 开始学习
diuretyki (leki moczopędne)
fast discovery of something that is difficult to see, feel 开始学习
a mental illness in which people eat far too little or far too much food and are unhappy with their bodies 开始学习
to take part in something 开始学习
give someone what they want 开始学习
a substance in the stomach that is responsible for digesting food 开始学习
do away with, clean, purify 开始学习
when you have problem with balance of the hormone economy 开始学习
sudden strong feelings of hunger 开始学习
nagłe silne i bolesne uczucie głodu
a mental picture of what something or someone is like 开始学习
do something to yourself like pain 开始学习
obsesion about beeing fit and slim 开始学习
obsesja na punkcie bycia szczupłym
a medicine witch a laxative effect 开始学习
a decreased appetite is when your desire to eat is reduced 开始学习
a serious mental illness that may cause a person to be very excited or violent 开始学习
newspapers where you can read about medicine 开始学习
a problem that a psychologist can solve 开始学习
having or showing faulty judgment or reasoning 开始学习
a very small piece of food 开始学习
containing many of the substances needed for life and growth 开始学习
something what have positive effect to our health 开始学习
pożywne np. jedzenie, soki
the domination of one's thoughts or feelings by a persistent idea, image 开始学习
the tube in the body that takes food from the mouth to the stomach 开始学习
to defeat or succeed in controlling or dealing with something 开始学习
above the weight considered normal and healthy 开始学习
a very large amount of something 开始学习
series of actions which lead to the goal 开始学习
to make something happen suddenly or sooner than expected 开始学习
wywołuje(np jaki czynnik wywoluje chorobe, wywoluje reakcje chemiczna)
have opinion of something that will happen 开始学习
to make someone or something free of something evil or harmful 开始学习
when you have extra pounds 开始学习
disgust at doing something, e.g. eating, cleaning, it becomes an obsession that we cannot do, we are afraid of it 开始学习
it can happen which food we don't eat in expiration date 开始学习
people who are on magazines but they often have problem with health 开始学习
dziesiątki chudych modeli/modelek z okładek magazynów
suffering caused by lack of food 开始学习
suffering or dying from hunger 开始学习
to lose the determination to oppose something, to accept defea 开始学习
when you are sick you can suffering from headache 开始学习
a physical or mental feature which is regarded as indicating a condition of disease, particularly such a feature that is apparent to the patient 开始学习
cecha widoczna wskazująca na chorobę
the addiction to throwing up when you must get rid of food 开始学习
uzależnienie od wyzbycia się jedzenia the addiction to throwing up
something is getting more skinny 开始学习
medical care given to a patient for an illness or injury 开始学习
leczenie/opieka medyczna dana pacjentowi
hurting yourself because of stop eating 开始学习
If someone vomits, the food or liquid that was in their stomach comes up and out of their mouth. 开始学习