问题 |
答案 |
She feels on top of the world after winning the championship. 开始学习
bardzo szczesliwy, zadowolony
He was feeling blue after the breakup 开始学习
They will be full of beans after a good night's sleep. 开始学习
pełen energii lub entuzjazmu
She's been under the weather since yesterday. 开始学习
chory lub źle się czujący
I've been running on empty since I started this project. 开始学习
skrajnie zmęczony lub wyczerpany
They will be on cloud nine if they win the lottery. 开始学习
w euforii lub niezwykłej radości
He felt sick as a dog after eating that bad sushi 开始学习
She has been alive and kicking since her retirement. 开始学习
He was weak as a kitten after the flu 开始学习
I'll be on the edge until I hear the results. 开始学习
bliski punktu załamania lub zbyt dużego stresu
She is renowned for her talent in music. 开始学习
They urge him to reconsider his decision 开始学习
There are downsides to eating too much junk food 开始学习
Her actions pose a threat to national security. 开始学习
Environmental degradation concerns scientists. 开始学习
They are vulnerable to exploitation. 开始学习
They are vulnerable to exploitation. 开始学习
Cats are known for being dexterous creatures 开始学习
The intrinsic value of art lies in its beauty. 开始学习
The wildfire decimates the forest 开始学习
The water in the lake looks murky after the storm 开始学习
I can recall the events of that day vividly 开始学习
They must conform to the rules of the organization. 开始学习
The company adheres strictly to safety regulations. 开始学习
Her skills surpass those of her peers 开始学习
Change is inevitable in life. 开始学习
He could tell at a glance that something was wrong. 开始学习
They stood in awe of the majestic mountains. 开始学习
They had to relay the information to the rest of the team 开始学习
przekazywać, transmitować
She used a sieve to sift the flour. 开始学习
He felt entitled to the promotion after years of hard work. 开始学习
His manners are a matter of upbringing. 开始学习
Chemistry is my major at university. 开始学习
moje główne przedmiot studiów