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to have the necessary physical strength, mental power, skill, time, money, or opportunity to do sth 开始学习
be able to do sth I'm never able to betray my boyfriend.
1. in or to a higher position than sth else. 2. more than an amount or level; 3. higher on the page, or an previous page 开始学习
above all, ... - most important,... 1. I think to hand this picture above the table.; 2. The letter was sent to the above address.
przez, poprzek, w poprzek 开始学习
She walked across the river
1. the situation in which a lot of things are happening or people are moving around.; 2. the work of a group or organisation to achieve an aim.; 3. sth they is done for enjoyment, especially on organised event 开始学习
1. There was a lot of activity on preparations for my party.; 3. My spare-time activities include cooking and gym.
feeling fear or feeling worry about the possible results of a particular situation. 开始学习
I'm afraid - used to politely introduce bad news I was afraid because my car was disappeared.
1. in front; 2. in or into the future 开始学习
1. My house id ahead.; 2. I can't think about the week ahead
1. to give permission for sb to do sth to not prevent sth from happening; 2. to admit are agree that sth is true 开始学习
Will you allow me to go to the party?
1. from one part of a road, river, etc. to another; 2. in a line next to sth long; 3. at a particular place on a road, river etc.; 4. moving forward 开始学习
1. a romantic walk along the river.; 4. I'm walking along
1. before the present time; 2. earlier that the time expected 开始学习
I have already eaten supper; 2. Are you buying Christmas cards already? It's only September.
1. to start to be seen or to be present; 2. to seem 开始学习
1. to come near or nearer to sth or sb in space, time etc; 2. to deal with sth 开始学习
2. I'm not sure how to approach the problem
około, mniej więcej, wokół, w pobliżu 开始学习
to try to do sth, especially sth difficult 开始学习
próbować, usiłować