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But alas you have neglected to sign it maestro. 开始学习
Bring with you of the liturgical vestments (the alb and the stole) 开始学习
I believe an albino dog is a rare animal indeed. 开始学习
AC/DC just released a new album 开始学习
Fulcanelli (1839-1953) was an alchemist and occult author known exclusively by his French pseudonym. 开始学习
It is to science what the philosopher's stone was to alchemy. 开始学习
Real hard-luck case - gambling addict alcoholic. 开始学习
Honey the only disease that could survive our bloodstream is alcoholism. 开始学习
pokoju And two-tone furniture or quilted alcove isn't everything. 开始学习
najczęściej w formie wnęki bez okien Alkowa – wydzielona część izby
In March 1907 he was made an alderman of the London County Council. 开始学习
You got to keep alert for these things. 开始学习
Fucus It's all an alga rich in vegetable protein milk sugar low in calories and fat. 开始学习
My best subject in school was algebra. 开始学习
Alibi checks out for both the councilperson and the web-sleuth. 开始学习
No alien has ever contacted any human. 开始学习
The result is a retreat and social alienation. 开始学习
There's got to be some way to align these. 开始学习
Sets the horizontal cell text alignment. 开始学习
Nice to see you girls back together again still dressing alike. 开始学习
So he gets half the house and alimony. 开始学习
I'm glad to know that you're still alive 开始学习
Lavage? - Not if it's alkali acid or petroleum. 开始学习
That's a very serious allegation Mr. Donner. 开始学习
alegoria «w literaturze i sztuce: postać motyw lub fabuła mające poza znaczeniem dosłownym stały umowny sens przenośny
Some patients may experience allergic type reactions such as swelling of the face. 开始学习
Could be hemophilia epilepsy a nasty allergy. 开始学习
It's our job to alleviate pain. 开始学习
We found your dad's scarf in that alley. 开始学习
This alliance is our only advantage. 开始学习
Yes. The germans found out there were two allied spies. 开始学习
One advantage of that is that you can allocate money coherently. 开始学习
I cannot allow that to happen. 开始学习
I'm hoping she'll raise my allowance. 开始学习
The material of valve body: Aluminum alloy. 开始学习
Piotr wydaje się nawiązywać do "końcowy stan tego człowieka bywa gorszy niż pierwotny."(Mt 开始学习
Perhaps it is an allusion to the drugs used by the President. 开始学习
They're our oldest strongest ally. 开始学习
When you burned the almanac in 1955 the normal timeline was restored. 开始学习
1. «publikacja zawierająca artykuły z określonej dziedziny nauki lub sztuki»
Za usterki mechaniczne odpowiada linia lotnicza nie wszechmogący. 开始学习
No chocolate covered almond is worth $16. 开始学习
I am alone alone with the buttle 开始学习
Natural hurricanes always move along approximately the same trajectories. 开始学习
I will fight alongside our new allies. 开始学习
I thought you didn't like my reading aloud. 开始学习
The Phoenicians simply found the alphabet a very useful tool. 开始学习
In a alphabetical order please 开始学习
This is the alpine area - the height of 2350 m. 开始学习