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There is an element of risk in every kind of work but it is nowhere as acutely felt as in the law enforcement. 开始学习
an___feeling is very stron, przeszywający
Even an officer on the beat could have to intervene on behalf of a victim of a mugger which immediately puts his life at risk. 开始学习
if a police officer is___, they are on duty, walking around the area for which they are responsible, być na służbie, mieć obchód
Therefore, to say that police work and danger go hand in hand and that risk is encountered at every turn would not be an overstatement. 开始学习
if two things___, they are closely connected, iść ramię w ramię
Therefore, to say that police work and danger go hand in hand and that risk is encountered at every turn would not be an overstatement. 开始学习
set off in pursuit of a car thief the police could have to set off in pursuit of a car thief and giving chase to them could easily end in disaster. 开始学习
Pol. wyruszyć w pościg za złodziejem samochodów
Very often do the police have to detain a suspect. 开始学习
to confine or hold in custody, Pol. zatrzymać, zaaresztować
resort to drastic measures If however violence breaks out and the demonstration turns into a riot, the police also have to resort to drastic measures in order to quell it and disperse the crowd 开始学习
Pol. zastosować (uciekać się do) drastyczne środki
If however violence breaks out and the demonstration turns into a riot, the police also have to resort to drastic measures in order to quell it and disperse the crowd 开始学习
they usually wear riot gear for protection because they are often pelted with stones or bottles by enraged rioters. 开始学习
The officers might even have to get involved in hand-to-hand fighting with them. 开始学习
Since violence and bloodshed seem part and parcel of the job 开始学习
the killing of people, usually in fighting or war, Pol. przelewanie krwi
Since violence and bloodshed seem part and parcel of the job 开始学习
to be a necessary feature of something is to be___of it, nieodłączny element
of the spur of the moment human behaviour is so unpredictable especially in situations where decisions are often taken on the spur of the moment... 开始学习
suddenly, without any previous planning or thought, spontanicznie
Are they motivated financially? Does the remuneration outweigh the risks? 开始学习
pay, Pol. wynagrodzenie, płaca
However unsettling it might seem, this assumption cannot be ruled out as entirely unfounded. 开始学习
making you feel nervous or worried, niepokojący
However unsettling it might seem, this assumption cannot be ruled out as entirely unfounded. 开始学习
to decide that sth is not possible, to dismiss it from consideration, "--> wykluczać coś, --> odrzucać coś "
However unsettling it might seem, this assumption cannot be ruled out as entirely unfounded. 开始学习
Pol. całkowicie nieuzasadniony
we owe them a debt of gratitude for their efforts irrespective of what actually motivates them. 开始学习
we owe them a debt of gratitude for their efforts irrespective of what actually motivates them. 开始学习
Pol. dług wdzięczności, Pol. dług wdzięczności
Their commitment and dedication cannot remain unappreciated. 开始学习
the hard work and loyalty that someone gives an organization, activity, poświęcenie, oddanie