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"he spent hours studying it and looking under the hood of the family car to learn how things worked." 开始学习
American the metal covering over the engine on a car [- bonnet British English] / maska samochodu
"she became upset because her classmates bested her at jumping rope, she bought a rope and practiced for weeks." 开始学习
old-fashioned to defeat someone / obracać się przeciwko komuś
"Several months later, they sold some stock they'd been given when they were young and invested $10,000 toward purchasing the fledgling operation." 开始学习
a ____ state or organization has only recently been formed and is still developing / świeżo upieczony
"Several months later, they sold some stock they'd been given when they were young and invested $10,000 toward purchasing the fledgling operation." 开始学习
a business, company, or organization / przedsięwzięcie, działalność
"Here are ways you can foster initiative in your child:" 开始学习
to help a skill, feeling, idea etc develop over a period of time [- encourage, promote] / pielęgnować, sprzyjać
"Now 20, Meredith is a student at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, a counselor at a local high school and a budding sky diver." 开始学习
someone whose job is to help and support people with problems / doradca, psycholog szkolny, adwokat
"Now 20, Meredith is a student at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, a counselor at a local high school and a budding sky diver." 开始学习
_____ artist/actor/writer etc. is someone who is just starting to paint, act etc and will probably be successful at it / dobrze się zapowiadający
"She believes letting children have input in making decisions helps to build self-confidence." 开始学习
ideas, advice, money, or effort that you put into a job or activity in order to help it succeed, Pol. wkład (in/into sth) / wkład
"""By the time Meredith and Barrett were in high school, they were helping set their own curfews."" " 开始学习
American English the time, decided by a parent, by which a child must be home or asleep in the evening / godzina policyjna,)
"We want our kids to have more than we did, but just handing it to them might backfire." 开始学习
if a plan or action _____-s, it has the opposite effect to the one you intended: /
"The fire that had burned in my friend was never kindled in his children." 开始学习
if you ____ a fire, or if it ____-s, it starts to burn / wzniecić, rozpalić
"If you don't know what motivates your children, you may find it very difficult to ""jump-start"" them." 开始学习
to help a process or activity to start or become more successful /
"But her youngest son, Mark, yearned to play sports." 开始学习
to have a strong desire for sth, esp. sth difficult or impossible to get [- long] / bardzo pragnąć
"Though he was severely asthmatic and spent much of his time on the bench, Mason encouraged him to persevere," 开始学习
very badly or to a great degree / ciężko, poważnie, surowo
"Though he wasThough he was severely asthmatic and spent much of his time on the bench, Mason encouraged him to persevere," 开始学习
to continue trying to do something in a very determined way in spite of difficulties - use this to show approval / wytrwać, trwać
"Mason encouraged him to persevere, often scrimping to pay for his uniforms." 开始学习
to try to save as much money as you can, even though you have very little, Pol. zaciskać pasa, oszczędzać, odmawiać sobie / zaciskać pasa, oszczędzać, odmawiać sobie
"""If the kids were genuinely interested in something, I'd find a way,""" 开始学习
a _____feeling, desire etc is one that you really feel, not one you pretend to feel [- sincere] / prawdziwy, autentyczny
"he had overcome many of his bronchial problems and become a real contributor to his teams." 开始学习
affecting the bronchial tubes, Pol. oskrzelowy / oskrzelowy
"When he asked my advice, I cited a fistful of career alternatives," 开始学习
to mention something as an example, especially one that supports, proves, or explains an idea or situation / cytować
"When he asked my advice, I cited a fistful of career alternatives," 开始学习
an amount that is as much as you can hold in your hand / garść
"Since then he has found a challenging new job in real-estate appraisal, an area he had never considered." 开始学习
the business of selling houses or land / (agencja) nieruchomości
"Since then he has found a challenging new job in real-estate appraisal, an area he had never considered." 开始学习
a statement or opinion judging the worth, value, or condition of something / wycena, szacowanie
"merit-badge program as an excellent way to introduce children to various activities." 开始学习
a good quality that makes someone or something deserve praise, Pol. zasługa / zasługa
"merit-badge program as an excellent way to introduce children to various activities." 开始学习
a small piece of metal, cloth, or plastic with a picture or words on it, worn to show rank, membership of a group, support for a political idea etc, Pol. odznaka / odznaka
"They won't be good at everything,"" says Ray, ""but once we hit on something that makes a kid's eyes sparkle, we encourage him to pursue it.""" 开始学习
if someone's eyes ______, they seem to shine brightly, especially because the person is happy or excited / błyszczeć, skrzyć się
"They won't be good at everything,"" says Ray, ""but once we hit on something that makes a kid's eyes sparkle, we encourage him to pursue it.""" 开始学习
to continue doing an activity or trying to achieve sth over a long period of time / realizować, dążyć do...
"When a child wants something that's not in your budget, explain the financial constraints and ask how he might help pay" 开始学习
something that limits your freedom to do what you want [- restriction] / ograniczenie
"Discuss the reward up front so he'll know what is required to earn income." 开始学习
directly and clearly from the start / z góry, wprost
"One way of achieving that, says Dr. Beard, is to have kids take part in clipping coupons to save money." 开始学习
to cut an article or picture from a newspaper, magazine etc / wycinek z gazety
"One way of achieving that, says Dr. Beard, is to have kids take part in clipping coupons to save money." 开始学习
a small piece of printed paper that gives you the right to pay less for sth or get it free / kupon, bon, talon
"The savings can be put into a kitty for family outings." 开始学习
the money that people have collected for a particular purpose, Pol. wspólna kasa / wspólna kasa
"The savings can be put into a kitty for family outings." 开始学习
a short trip that a group of people take for pleasure, / wypad
"Such passive activities, she says, promote short attention spans and require little initiative." 开始学习
the period of time during which you continue to be interested in something, Pol. zakres uwagi, długość koncentracji uwagi / zakres uwagi, długość koncentracji uwagi
"She also cautions parents to avoid the ""I'm bored!"" trap." 开始学习
to warn someone that something might be dangerous, difficult et / przestroga
"they believe the best thing you can do for your child is to be a good role model." 开始学习
sb whose behaviour, attitudes etc people try to copy because they admire them / wzór do naśladowania
"Belle became a volunteer with the American Heart Association's Women's Heart Guild" 开始学习
Pol. stowarzyszenie / stowarzyszenie
"Belle became a volunteer with the American Heart Association's Women's Heart Guild" 开始学习
an organization of people who do the same job or have the same interests, Pol. stowarzyszenie, (średniowiecze - gildia) / stowarzyszenie, (średniowiecze - gildia)
"The organization's roster, in the first year, included 137 members, more than the Women's Guild it had emulated." 开始学习
a list of the names of people on a sports team, in an organization etc / lista, spis, wpis w grafiku
"Call it independence, gumption, initiative it's a trait we'd all like to see in our kids." 开始学习
the ability and determination to decide what needs to be done and to do it, Pol. smykałka, olej w głowie /
"Call it independence, gumption, initiative it's a trait we'd all like to see in our kids." 开始学习
a particular quality in someone's character / cecha