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When his watch was confiscated, he took it lying down... He didn’t ´stand his ground and put up a fight against it. 开始学习
to accept bad treatment without complaining
The visit came out of the blue. 开始学习
if something happens _______, it is very unexpected
He didn’t really cross swords with Mr. Hunter, but he did argue with him a bit. 开始学习
He didn’t throw a fit at the idea of losing his watch, but he was a bit annoyed by it. 开始学习
a time when you feel an emotion very strongly and cannot control your behaviour; Pol. atak szału, napad
He didn’t throw a fit at the idea of losing his watch, but he was a bit annoyed by it. 开始学习
to be very angry or shocked
The author came clean and admitted that he consulted his watch extremely frequently. 开始学习
to finally tell the truth about something you have been hiding
The Epsilon Suave watch company wasn’t prepared to give and take on the question of the image of those who wore their watches. 开始学习
a willingness between two people or groups to understand each other, and to let each other have or do some of the things they want; mutual concessions (Pol. ustępstwa), shared benefits, and cooperation
According to the First Law of Timepieces, high flyers have cogs in the machine to tell them the time. 开始学习
someone who is extremely successful in their job or in school
According to the First Law of Timepieces, high flyers have cogs in the machine to tell them the time. 开始学习
someone who only has a small unimportant job in a large organization
Problems with time-keeping were responsible for the author being constantly in a stew 开始学习
confused or worried about a difficult situation you are in
Problems with time-keeping were responsible for the author being constantly in a stew 开始学习
He wasn’t even offered a chance to keep his watch if he would pull his socks up and start behaving better – it was confiscated at once. 开始学习
to make an effort to improve your behaviour or your work
When his watch was confiscated, he took it lying down... He didn’t ´stand his ground and put up a fight against it. 开始学习
to show great determination to oppose sth or get out of a difficult situation
Then Epsilon Suave Company were trying to keep a tight rein on their customers, allowing them little freedom 开始学习
a long narrow band of leather that is fastened around a horse's head in order to control it; Pol. cugle, lejce, wodze
keep a tight rein on sb/sth Then Epsilon Suave Company were trying to keep a tight rein on their customers, allowing them little freedom 开始学习
As they had slipped a document into the box of the watch, they had legal grounds for laying down the law 开始学习
to tell other people what to do, how they should think etc, in a very strong or impolite way
The company only wanted cool customers wearing their watches – not people likely to get flustered 开始学习
someone who always behaves calmly
They didn’t get down to brass tacks immediately – they approached the crux of the matter indirectly. 开始学习
a very hard bright yellow metal that is a mixture of copper (Pol. miedź) and zinc; Pol. mosiądz
They didn’t get down to brass tacks immediately – they approached the crux of the matter indirectly. 开始学习
a small nail with a sharp point and a flat top; Pol. ćwiek, gwóźdź tapicerski
They didn’t get down to brass tacks immediately – they approached the crux of the matter indirectly. 开始学习
to start talking about the most important facts or details of something; Pol. przejść do rzeczy/kokretów
The author didn’t turn up for appointments at the arranged time on the dot – he was always a little early. 开始学习
exactly on time or at a particular time; Examle: He came at five ______.
He didn’t get the picture clear at once about why his watch was to be confiscated 开始学习
to understand a situation
He didn’t get the picture clear at once about why his watch was to be confiscated 开始学习
to clearly understand a situation
When his watch was confiscated, he took it lying down... He didn’t ´stand his ground and put up a fight against it. 开始学习
to stay where you are when someone threatens you, in order to show them that you are not afraid
The company felt that such a sophisticated watch was out on his wrist. 开始学习
not suitable for a particular situation or occasion; not in the correct or usual position