问题 |
答案 |
How much does the treatment cost? 开始学习
If we have enough money, we will go abroard 开始学习
I will get a rise if I work harder 开始学习
Where are you going to go on a holiday leave? 开始学习
If a lawyer has a power of attorney, he will be able to help you in the office 开始学习
I'm not very fond of mountains I'm more fond of walking than hiking 开始学习
Niezbyt przepadam za górami
The road to the Wysoka mountain was very hard. 开始学习
Are we following the right route? 开始学习
We have been sightseeing in the Palma de Malorca city. 开始学习
The cyclists don't follow the traffic regulations 开始学习
The rayon is a good fabric 开始学习
My mum is interested in tailoring 开始学习
Cabin crew informed passengers that vests are under the seat 开始学习
The seller showed me a beautiful wedding dress 开始学习
Do you prefer a bowtie or a tie? 开始学习
Are you going to buy a new shirt for the wedding? 开始学习
mankiety (spinki do koszuli)
You can't go to the church in shorts 开始学习
The fiance paid 20 zł for pocket square 开始学习
chusteczka noszona w kieszonce w marynarce
If I hadn't receive payment confirmation, I wouldn't sent a shipment 开始学习
If I hadn't receive payment confirmation, I wouldn't sent a shipment 开始学习
He was waiting for his turn for 5 hours. 开始学习
How often do you confesst? 开始学习
During protocol he asked them about their faith 开始学习
If I do exercise, I will have a lot of power He used force for doing that. 开始学习
cheat (on) sb, cheat - oszukiwać/kłamać The students cheated during the exam 开始学习
oszukiwać kogoś (zdradzać kogoś)
Have you ever read the Bible? 开始学习
They have lived together for 3 years 开始学习
He slept during the sermon 开始学习