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money earned by a person over particular period of time
all the money that a business spends on goods or services during a given period
a financial operating plan showing expected income and expenditure
anything owned by a business- cash, property, equipment
an amount of money that a person or organisation owes
an entry in an account, recording a payment made
an entry in an account, recording a payment received
something that exists but that cannot be touched, exactly described, or given an exact value
należny, narosły (np. odsetki) 开始学习
to increase in amount over a period of time
odłożony na później, przełożony, opóźniony 开始学习
delayed until a later time
calculating all the expenses involved in producing something, including materials, labour, and all other expenses
calculating how much an individual or a company will have to pay to the local and national governments
preparing financial statements showing income and expenditure, assets and liabilities
inspecting and reporting on accounts and financial records kontrolowanie i raportowanie rachunków i dokumentacji finansowej
managerial or management accounting 开始学习
the activity of preparing and using financial information about a company in order to support management decisions
using all available accounting procedures and tricks to disguise the true financial position of a company stosowanie wszelkich dostępnych procedur i sztuczek księgowych w celu ukrycia prawdziwej sytuacji finansowej firmy
writing down the details of transactions
a statement that shows the value of a company's assets (= things of positive value) and its debts
a document that shows the money coming into and going out of a company during a particular period
a document that shows a company's profit or loss in a particular period of time
all the money belonging to the company's owners
additional paid-in capital 开始学习
capital that shareholders have contributed to the company above the nominal or par value of the stock kapitał, który akcjonariusze wnieśli do spółki powyżej wartości nominalnej lub nominalnej akcji
Rozliczenia międzyokresowe 开始学习
expenses such as wages, taxes and interest that have not yet been paid at the date of the balance sheet wydatki, takie jak wynagrodzenia, podatki i odsetki, które nie zostały jeszcze zapłacone na dzień bilansowy
money owed by customers for goods or services purchased on credit pieniądze należne od klientów za towary lub usługi zakupione na kredyt
the amounts in a company's accounts that show money that it owes, for example to suppliers (= companies that have sold them things) the amounts in a company's accounts that show money that it owes, for example to suppliers (= companies that have sold them things)
money paid in advance for goods and services pieniądze zapłacone z góry za towary i usługi
profits that have not been distributed to shareholders zysków, które nie zostały wypłacone akcjonariuszom
tangible assets such as offices, machines
the difference between the purchase price of acquired companies and their net tangible assets różnica pomiędzy ceną nabycia przejętych spółek a ich rzeczowymi aktywami netto