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nic dalszego od prawdy, nie ma nic bardziej mylnego
nothing could be further from the truth
People say we're splitting up, but nothing could be further from the truth.
wytrwały, niezmordowany, uporczywy, (pomimo trundosci)
She was persevering enough to reach the height of her ambition and become CEO. He was one of the most determined, stubborn, persevering people I had ever met.
podrzucić kogoś, podwieźć kogoś, wysadzić kogoś
drop sb off
I’m about to leave – can I drop you off somewhere on my way home? drop-off area/center/point, Passenger drop-off is allowed only in the designated area. We dropped our luggage off at the hotel and went sightseeing.
oddany (czemuś), zaangażowany (w coś), przywiązany (do czegoś)
a committed socialist/Christian/teacher. We are committed to withdrawing our troops by the end of the year. The whole family are committed vegetarians.
przypadkowo, przez przypadek, w tym samym czasie, zbieżnie
Coincidentally, I also have a sister called Sara. He met a student in Toronto who, coincidentally, came from his home state of Kerala. Coincidently
rozdzielić coś na mniejsze części, rozbić się (talerz), pękać, rozbijać się (statek), zakończyć się (przyjęcie, zgromadzenie)
break sth up
The company has been broken up and sold off. We’re breaking up our trip by stopping for a few days in Singapore. The ship broke up on the reef.
wycofywać się (z jakiejś organizacji, z brania udziału w czymś, ze wspierania czegoś, wypowiedziane słowa, produkt z rynku, żołnierzy z jakiegoś miejsca), wypłacać, wybierać (pieniądze z konta lub bankomatu)
withdraw from sth, withdraw into sth, withdraw as, withdraw cash/funds/savings, withdraw from the market, withdraw funding/support, withdraw an application/bid/offer, withdraw a remark/claim/statement, withdraw an accusation/allegation/complaint
Withdrawn troops from the country. We withdraw into her office to finish our discussion. He withdrew as a candidate for the presidential campaign. She frequently withdrew into her own fantasy world. She had to withdraw from the competition.
przyjść w wyznaczonym terminie, przyjść na umówione spotkanie, dotrzymać terminu
keep an appointment
She phoned to say she couldn't keep her appointment. They drove through the snow for hours in order to keep their appointment.
podkreślać np. coś w zdaniu, uwypuklać, eksponować, kłaść nacisk na coś
put emphasis on
I'd just like to emphasize how important it is for people to learn foreign languages. You can use italics or capitals to emphasize a word in a piece of writing. Depending on the level, we put emphasis on grammar or speaking.
głównie, w głównej mierze, przeważnie, w przeważającym stopniu
syn. Chiefly
She is predominantly a dancer, but she also sings. A predominantly Muslim community.
zwłaszcza, w szczególności
syn. Predominantly
"The island chiefly attracts upmarket tourists. Magazines intended chiefly for teenagers"
lubić kogoś/coś, czuć do kogoś, czegoś sympatię i pociąg, lubić coś robić (często)
lubić kogoś/coś, czuć do kogoś, czegoś s 用英语
fond of
She was very fond of horses. She's one of my dearest friends and I'm very fond of her. My brother is fond of pointing out my mistakes.
w drugą stronę, na odwrót, odwrotnie
the other way round
syn. the other way up
Is this how I should put this? - No, the other way round!
kontunuowac coś, ale bez progessu, utrzymywać coś aby działało, pracować na biegu jałowym, kręcić się na pół gwizdka, pracować na zwolnionych obrotach
keep sth ticking over
I'll be able to keep things ticking over in the office until you get back. Bankers cut interest rates to keep the global economy ticking over. I've left the car with the engine ticking over.
plan podróży / rozkład jazdy
The tour operator will arrange transport and plan your itinerary. We planned our itinerary several weeks before the trip.
