#人喜欢这个。 Polub!

mb2019 mb2019

我从那以后一直在使用VocApp3418天。 我和VocApp一起学习992天,包括系统地来自1天。 我是作家112集。 你最后一次见到我2025-03-24 19:26:21。


angielski, 英语


character traits
2_FC work & employment
3a_FC Sport & leisure
towns and building
vehicles and transport
food and cooking
shops and shopping
lend - leap
smell - beset
tell - hew
character traits - 2
court actions
02_VE Time
03d_VE Weather
03c_VE Water
03a_VE Nature 1
5d_VE Traits
VE Social life: clothes, jewelry
VE Social life: routines
VE Organizing space, time, thought 1
VE Organizing space, time, thought 2
VE Politics, law, police 1
VE Politics, law, police 2
VE Politics, law, police 3
05-2c_VE Religion
5e_VE Activity
5a_VE Vices
5b_VE Vices 2
5c_VE Virtues
VE Peace & war 1
VE Peace & war 2
VE Peace & war 3
VE Agriculture
VE Agriculture_animals&plants
VE Riches&poverty
VE Communication
VE Travels
VE Transportation 2
VE Transportation 1
VE Sport
03b_VE Nature 2
1_FC Travel & holidays
01a_VE Quantities
01b_VE Quantities
04a_VE Man behavior
4a_FC Clothes & appearance
4b_FC Clothes & appearance
04b_VE Man feature
04c_VE Man health
04d_VE Man body
3b_FC Sport & leisure
05-1a_VE Virtues
05-1b_VE Vices
05-1c_VE Traits positive
05-1d_VE Traits negative
05-2a_VE Actions positive
05-2b_VE Actions negative
6a VE Social life a p
06-1a_VE Social life - Actions positive
06-1b_Social life - Actions negative
06-1c_VE Social life - Man
06-2a_Social life - Clothes
06-2b_VE Social life - traits positive
06-2c_VE Social life - traits negative
07a_VE Organizing Space and Thought
07b_VE Organizing Space and Thought
08-1a_VE Administration, Politics
08-1b_VE Administration, Politics
08-1c_VE Law
08-1d_VE Law actions
08-2a_VE War
08-2b_VE War
08-2c_VE Peace and war
09-1a_VE Work action
09-1b_VE Work feature
09-1c_VE Material, tool
09-1d_VE Profession
09-1e_VE Work
09-2a_VE Buldings Action, Feature
09-2b_VE Buildings Object
09-2c_VE Buildings Thing
09-3a_VE Business
09-3b_VE Commerce
09-4a_VE Cooking
09-4b_VE Restaurant
09-5a_VE Agriculture
09-5b_VE Agriculture thing
09-5c_VE Agriculture Animals&plants
09-5d_VE Riches&Powerty
10a_VE Communication
10b_VE Transport
10c_VE Transportation action
10d_VE Motor transport
10e_VE Travel
11a_VE Sport
11b_VE Sport
12a_VE Science, Education Thing Edu
12b_VE Science, Education Thing
12c_VE Science Education Phenomenon
12d_VE Science Education Feature
12e_VE Science Education Action
5a_FC Towns & buildings
5b_FC Towns & buildings
