#人喜欢这个。 Polub!

magalamus magalamus

我从那以后一直在使用VocApp4004天。 我和VocApp一起学习39天,包括系统地来自0天。 我是作家17集。 你最后一次见到我2020-10-04 19:38:11。


angielski, 英语


Obituary of Hawking
How stress affect our brain / TEDx
How to age gracefully
Millennials are screwed / video
Millennials / article v1
Millennials / article v2
Why we are happy / science approach / TEDx
Why we are happy / science approach / TEDx v2
Actions speaks louder / article
Decoding body language / article
How to prove yourself after a promotion
For the love of dog / article
początki 1.
Snowflakes Mash report / video
How I hacked online dating TEDx
A secreet history of Israeli Assassinations / Newsweek
