字典 瑞典 - 英语

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hoppas 用英语:

1. hope hope

Never lose hope.
This note summarizes some information that we hope to discuss at the meeting in San Francisco.
What did he tell you about his hope?
We're going to eat a lot tonight so I hope you're not on a diet.
We hope you will understand the difficult circumstances we're working under.
She was unable to completely give up her hope of marrying him.
As always, I could only hope the police wouldn't stop me.
Let us hope the world will never be on the brink of a nuclear war.
Since there are usually multiple websites on any given topic, I usually just click the back button when I arrive on any webpage that has pop-up advertising. I just go to the next page found by Google and hope for something less irritating.
I have been taking ballet lessons since I was three and hope to be a ballerina.
The meeting was called off as there was no hope of agreement on either side.
Hope of finding the child alive is fading rapidly.
I hope that the jet lag isn't going to disturb my sleep schedule too much.
I hope to soon know much more than a few sentences in Dutch.
I realize I may not be the most desirable man in the world, but I still hope you'll consider going out with me.

2. hoping

I'm hoping that will happen.
If I can get into university, I am hoping to learn to speak two foreign languages.
We're hoping you'll support us.
I am hoping to put an end to our unhappy relationship.
Before the crash, Tom had been hoping to become a professional tennis player.
He is hoping to entice her into doing what he wants.
Hoping to cheer up his wife, Tom bought her a beautiful pearl necklace.
They're hoping the wheat harvest will be good this year.
Tom is hoping that he can hitch a ride to Boston.
Tom ran as fast as he could hoping that he wouldn't miss the train.
She went on hoping nonetheless because there was no news from her husband.
The country at large is hoping for great changes.
Parents try not to think about it, hoping that if they blot the children out, the fateful call or cable will never come.
You've certainly been hoping for my love, but until now it has been flatly denied.
Another spam article hoping for click-throughs?