字典 葡萄牙 - 英语

português - English

envolvido 用英语:

1. absorbed

I was absorbed in a book and didn't hear you call.
I would like to know how these substances are absorbed by the body.
Tom got so absorbed in his work that he forgot to eat.
Small businesses are often absorbed by a major company.
The car bumper absorbed some of the impact.
He absorbed new ideas.
He is absorbed in playing tennis, but his brother goes in more for football and baseball.
My brother was so absorbed in reading that he did not notice me when I entered the room.
A man who concentrates before a work of art is absorbed by it. In contrast, the distracted mass absorbs the work of art.
I have known intimately a great many persons who were absorbed in the arts.
It's beginning to get absorbed!
The cloth absorbed the ink I had spilled.
Regrettably, this self-centered behavior is absorbed by their children.
I am absorbed in growing herbs and your Web pages are a great help to me.
The pupils absorbed all the knowledge the teacher gave them.

英语 单词“envolvido“(absorbed)出现在集合中:

Tou had better nota get any closer

2. involved

He has a reputation as being straight as an arrow. He'd never get involved in corruption.
As a rule, I prefer people who deal with matters of this kind directly with those involved.
The discrepancy between the stories of the two parties involved in the accident was so great that the authorities had a hard time deciding which side was telling the truth.
involved when
You speak pretty highly of him but you're directly involved. I think my less charitable view might be more accurate since I can look at things objectively.
There may be microscopes involved, bringing us ever closer to the heart of the matter; but even microbiology is objective, adding to knowledge by putting space between an object and its observer.
From 1859, Protestant missionaries from America started to arrive, and the Catholic and Russian Orthodox churches also became actively involved in missionary work.
I hear that you can burn CDs with Windows XP; could you tell me a website that explains the procedures involved?
Which country do some people believe was involved in the attempt to assassinate Pope John Paul II?
The good news is that it intends to do it by first talking to the people involved.
Originally he had planned to be an architect, but than involved too much maths. / We need to prove Satchell's involved. / I was involved with a magazine for a while back in the 60s.
Do some rich countries get involved in the development of poor ones? Yes, some rich countries get involved in the development of poor ones.
We've got some new business coming in and I want to discuss it with you. Do you mind getting involved?
Location check: The parties involved themselves or their attendants should look over the place for the miai meeting in advance.
At first many things seemed different, but I soon got involved in my new life.