字典 波兰语 - 英语

język polski - English

zamieć śnieżna 用英语:

1. blizzard blizzard

It's dangerous to be in a blizzard on a mountain.
A blizzard is an example of extreme weather conditions.
We had a terrible time in the blizzard.
We made good time until we ran into a blizzard.
A blizzard is a snow storm with very strong winds.
The mountaineers set off, paying no heed to the severe blizzard.
We found it very hard going back to our base camp in the blizzard.
The strong winds and snow created a real blizzard.
I got stuck in the blizzard on the way home.
They couldn't get home because of the blizzard
Heavy blizzards are approaching from the West
Last night blizzard was unexpected and snowed many families in their houses.
The blizzard struck the north-east yesterday, causing serious damage.
He’s walked through thunderstorms and blizzards, and has yet to be deterred.
I feel a chill seeing the blizzard outside.

英语 单词“zamieć śnieżna“(blizzard)出现在集合中:

longman 11 unit świat przyrody rozszerzony
pory dnia, pogoda, klęski żywiołowe
Extreme weather conditions and natural disasters
Lesson 8B If something can go wrong...

2. a snowstorm a snowstorm

英语 单词“zamieć śnieżna“(a snowstorm)出现在集合中:

Faustyna 19th July (30 min)
We're going on a bear hunt #11
We're going on a bear hunt
świat przyrody