字典 波兰语 - 英语

język polski - English

w domu 用英语:

1. at home at home

英语 单词“w domu“(at home)出现在集合中:

Solomia przydatne słówka lipiec 2018 part. 4
at - najważniejsze wyrażenia przyimkowe
Class V unit 1 „Szkoła i czas wolny”
Live Beat 1: 1D. They're British - Vocabulary
Lesson twenty three WHO IS JAN?

2. indoors indoors

It's a pity for you to have to stay indoors in this weather.
The best bet on a rainy day is to remain indoors.
Who wants to be cooped up indoors on a nice day like this?
I usually stay indoors on Sunday.
People were told to stay indoors because of the violence in the streets.
We are indoors.
Come indoors, it's cold outside.
Ball games, such as basketball and ping-pong, are usually played indoors.
All I want to do during the dog days is stay indoors and keep out of the sun.
Let's take a rest in the garden instead of indoors.
If you have a cold you'd better stay indoors today and not go out.
It rained heavily all day, during which time I stayed indoors.
Keep the plant indoors during the winter.
They went indoors and explored the house
I taught Miyuki how to keep a dog indoors.

英语 单词“w domu“(indoors)出现在集合中:

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3. in the house in the house

英语 单词“w domu“(in the house)出现在集合中:

Bright side lesson 7
TOP-A67 20/01/2022
Places to live

4. stay at home stay at home

I want to stay at home tonight.

英语 单词“w domu“(stay at home)出现在集合中:

2019-09 Health and Hobby, Jobs and responsibilitie...
Demostenes part. 1 (28.07.18)
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Podróż i obowiązki domowe