1. settle
That's settled.
A freezing beggar was brought into the hospital for treatment. However, he didn't have even one cent with which to settle the bill.
The family has the kind of natural organisation to deal with the tensions likely to characterise space trips of 200 years or longer to settle remote planets.
The first people that arrived in America settled in Massachusetts.
It then became necessary to settle the best route for the line to follow; and that was determined, in the first place, by the shape of the land it had to cross.
Poppy seed muffins are her favorites, but there are days when she must settle for blueberry.
However the air's bad in Tokyo, and there are too many people so I can't settle down.
to settle a debt, a payment, to settle a complaint, a dispute, an objection
You saw that the flies had come out with the sun and were beginning to settle on the body.
1. Surely we can settle this like civilized people. / 2. Good, well that's settled.
if Mark doesn't settle his bills soon he will have his electricity cut off.
Good, that's all settled - you send out the invitations for the party, and I'll organize the food.
After her husband's death, Jackie went to the city to settle his affairs.
I settle my nerves after a very tiring day by drinking beer in the evening.
Cough syrup. If I don't drink a mouthful before going on stage I can't settle down!
英语 单词“usadowić“(settle)出现在集合中:
Janusz Kowalski zdymisjonowany. Kim jest „pistolet...Wykop.pl - newsy, aktualności, gry, wiadomości, mu...2. seat
Tom broke into Mary's car and stole what was hidden under the driver's seat.
Are there enough chairs to seat 12 people?
Be seated!
This seat, it's real leather, isn't it? It would be a disaster if some slip-up gets it dirtied.
Gladly pass the souls of the righteous to the golden seat of Ahura Mazda, to the golden seat of the Amesha-Spentas, to the Garô-nmânem, the abode of Ahura Mazda, the abode of the Amesha-Spentas, the abode of all the other holy beings.
In a crowded train, I make it a rule to give my seat to old people.
Perhaps having realized it was impossible to persuade her, Ms. Kurosaki sighed and sat down in her seat.
With the first election of a woman into the seat of chancellor, the feminine complement of the word, "chancelière," was chosen as the Word of the Year in 2005 by the Academy of German Language.
My seat is on flight 102 on Monday at 8 a.m.
If you piss on the toilet seat, wipe it off!
I’ve reserved two seats for Saturday night’s performance.
Why is the cerebral cortex called 'the seat of thought'?
Please, have/take a seat (= sit down). I've booked three seats for the cinema tonight. the back/front seat of a car.
1. This seat is already taken. / 2. Is this seat taken? / 2. The seats on the plane are uncomfortable. / 3. Is this seat free? / 4. This seat is very comfortable.
Gentlemen, lift the toilet seat! Ladies also like to sit dry.