字典 波兰语 - 英语

język polski - English

siedemdziesiąt 用英语:

1. seventy

Fort Moultrie had fewer than seventy soldiers.
Nikko is situated about seventy five miles north of Tokyo.
She rents the room to a student for seventy thousand yen a month.
Seventy or eighty years is the normal span of a man's life.
At seventy, he is still active.
The author is seventy, but he's no less productive than he was twenty years ago.
My grandmother is seventy years old.
Ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, hundred.
The seventy disciples received the teaching of Confucius in the oral form, for words that satirize, criticize, praise, conceal, suppress, or ridicule cannot appear in writing.
The boat can take no more than seventy passengers.
There are seventy houses in the village.
I got seventy dollars off with the coupon.
The beer is three pounds seventy.
For a man of seventy, he still has surprising vigour.

英语 单词“siedemdziesiąt“(seventy)出现在集合中:

Fiszki z książki - "The Slizzers" (Jerome Bixby)
Welcome 2 unit 4,5,6 Progress Powtórka
Fiszki z książki - "Up For Renewal" (Lucius Daniel)
Fiszki z książki - "What Need of Man?" (Harold Calin)
Fiszki z książki - "Murder in Any Degree" (Owen Jo...