字典 波兰语 - 英语

język polski - English

rekrutacja 用英语:

1. recruitment recruitment

University recruitment starts in June.
Our company needs proper recruitment and selection training procedures.
The HR department deals with all aspects of staff recruitment.
He also believes that a pleasant atmosphere helps with the recruitment of staff.
The organization and the course of the recruitment process play very important role, especially in case of new investments.
Our recruitment process involves an application form, an exam and an interview.
I’m the manager responsible for recruitment.
There is growing recruitment of the media companies
Every manager deals with recruitment within their own department

英语 单词“rekrutacja“(recruitment)出现在集合中:

w poszukiwaniu pracy czasowniki, zwroty longman pp...
Jobs, Oxford Excellence Matura Builder
Job market - Rynek pracy cz.1
Equality & Diversity unit 3
04 PRACA (employment conditions; job market)

2. enrolment

limited enrolment
the act of putting yourself or someone else onto the official list of members of a group, course, or college: The scheme has no interest charges and no enrolment fee.

英语 单词“rekrutacja“(enrolment)出现在集合中:

Fiszki z książki - "Motor Transports in War" (Hora...
Fiszki z książki - "History of Farming in Ontario"...
Słówka i zwroty 1 ponadnśredni
Fiszki z książki - "Civil War and Reconstruction i...
Fiszki z książki - "Fifteen Years Among the Top-Kn...

3. reference

When do we find the first reference to Robin Hood in English literature?
with reference to your letter
Actually that I bring a huge volume of reference material with me is a makeshift way of preventing people from disputing my case.
This reference is valuable for my research.
Perry is mistaken in thinking that Emmet's theory was constructed without reference to Newtonian physics.
In regard to the internship system in the United States I availed myself of part of Miyumi Tanaka's work "Making doctors in Harvard" (Igaku-Shoin Ltd.) as a reference.
To lose faith in God is to lose your points of reference.
With reference to the invoice No.56789 which was due last month, we have not yet received your remittance.
When using this information, I will follow any conditions you specify, whether that's anonymity or giving detailed reference.
Keep the leaflet for future reference.
The president made special remarks with reference accident in the nuclear reactor.
OJ: please insert publication reference.
If you are writing a report for school, you are probably relying on a few references, or sources, for information.
If you are interested in the job, please send us your CV and a reference from a previous employer.
I had imagined that the newbies fresh from university would probably be stuck with all the backstage work - collecting reference material, getting copies and such but I couldn't have been proved more wrong.

英语 单词“rekrutacja“(reference)出现在集合中:

w poszukiwaniu pracy
Unit 4 - repetytorium