字典 波兰语 - 英语

język polski - English

radzić 用英语:

1. advise advise

We wish to advise you of the following price reductions.
Please advise us, if possible, of a company which has developed image processing software.
give advise
once a week, the students are advised to ride a bike to collage
Please advise us as to what topic you would like to add or delete by June 12.
When Thales was asked what was difficult, he said, "To know one’s self." And what was easy, "To advise another."
I can only advise everyone to take three days and learn Toki Pona.
The surveyor could also advise the promoters which route could be most easily—and therefore most cheaply—constructed.
Soon Christopher Columbus got bored watching the noob toy getting repeatedly self-pwned; he then decided to make a fortune-teller advise him on what to do with such a pointless toy.
Moreover, for your safety, we advise use of a substitute email address.
I advise customers on shipping rates and prepare quotations for sales office
The man advised us to put our valuables in his safe
I advise working as an independent contractor in your own consulting business.
[+ to do sth] His doctor advised him to take time off work. They advise the government on environmental matters. The government is advising against travelling in the area. [+ that] They're advising that children be kept out of the sun altogether.
"Please be advised that in some cases special centre charges may be higher than CIMA's standard exam fees. "

英语 单词“radzić“(advise)出现在集合中:

Words liable to be cofused - słowa pomieszane
Na podbój - 1 - Introduction
Angielski INFINITIVE (verb + to + infinitive)
Czasowniki ang tydzien pierwszy
The Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity+Idioms an...

2. to give advice

My mum likes to give advice.

英语 单词“radzić“(to give advice)出现在集合中:

Starland 3 s 120 i 121
angielski zawodowy
Unit 5 - wstęp
kart p52 cz1

3. advise to

英语 单词“radzić“(advise to)出现在集合中:

Składnia czasowników
Verb patterns
reporting verbs

4. advice on

I gave you an advice on dating.
Maybe you need his advice on a work problem.

5. to recommend

to recommend the business advisor
to recommend sth TO sb/ to recommend THAT sb + verb / to recommend +ING

英语 单词“radzić“(to recommend)出现在集合中:

Angielski - wyraź siebie
czasowniki sredni poziom
Express yourself

6. handle

The only way to handle him is to let him think he is having his own way.
I'll handle it!
Sin has many tools, but a lie is the handle which fits them all.
By the fiftieth heartbreak, rejection becomes much easier to handle.
I only asked her what she paid for that dull-looking dress and she flew off the handle at me.
You should write HANDLE WITH CARE on the parcel that contains the teacups.
Sometimes, many problems and a lot of stress can lead you to quit your job. You must learn how to handle it quickly.
He always talks as though he knows how to handle himself but you never know how he'll act when the chips are down.
I couldn't help overhearing, but you're police officers who handle cyber-crime or some such?
While a brain operation is being performed, both doctors and nurses must handle the patient with kid gloves and yet with all speed practical.
The international situation had become so tense, it would require proficient diplomats to handle it with kid gloves.
I must fill in this form. Without it I can't let you inside. So, what's your handle?
1. This port handles 100 milion tones of cargo each year. 2. Handle with care!
Can you fix the handle of my suitcase? / Will you handle that task? I can't help you because I have a meeting. / I know how to handle difficult situations. /I don't really know how to handle this problem. / Let me handle it.
to handle color expertly in painting; my wife handles my investments

英语 单词“radzić“(handle)出现在集合中:

Rozwiązywanie problemów idiomy Angielski
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

7. advised sb to

英语 单词“radzić“(advised sb to)出现在集合中:

Reported speech
Reported speech
Introductory words TO

8. advise Sb to do