1. suppose
I suppose so.
I happen to prefer champagne to ditchwater, but there is no reason to suppose that the cosmos does.
If you sum up feminist counselling in a few words, I suppose it would be counselling done from a woman's standpoint.
Oh, well... thought Dima. "I suppose that I can't be picky at a time like this."
When it comes to Chinese books that are overvalued worldwide I suppose it's Sun Tzu, isn't it?
It is a general popular error to suppose the loudest complainers for the publick to be the most anxious for its welfare.
I suppose that what we mean by beauty is that object, spiritual or material, more often material, which satisfies our aesthetic sense.
What a mess...I suppose there's nothing for it but restricting admissions. Handing out numbered tickets or something.
With this one exception, it is quite wrong to suppose that a simple culture will also have a simple language.
I pay my university fees to go to university by part-time work. Well, I'm a 'working student' I suppose.
Imagine a problem such as this: Suppose your brother has a car accident.
We can save on translations by giving it to an employee whose mother speaks that language. -- And I suppose you save on the cost of a doctor by seeing someone whose mother had been a doctor?
I suppose (that) I suppose you're right. So things worked out for the best, I suppose. 'Aren't you pleased?' 'Yes, I suppose so.'
But each to his own, I suppose. / 2. Nobody supposed that they would win. / 3. I don't suppose you know the code. / 4. Don't suppose we can do this again.
英语 单词“przypuszczać“(suppose)出现在集合中:
Czasowniki, które nie występują w czasie Present C...słówka na kartkówkę na czwartek 14.09nowi ludzie, o sobie i powitaniachStates/Felling used in continuous tensetest słownictwo semestr I 2018/20192. presume
I presume he's the loser.
No friend of yours, I presume
Presume is a verb that means to suppose, to take for granted, or to dare. presume is usually used when you suppose based on probability
Don't presume to tell me how to raise my children!
May I presume to tell you that you are wrong?
I will not presume to give an opinion.
I presume (that) they're not coming, since they haven't replied to the invitation.
I presume that you've done your homework.
"I presumed that the man had been escorted from the building"
Don't presume you are going to get the job promotion. It might go to Harry instead.
I presume that you must have a good job.
I would not presume to say whether or not this summit was historic: that is for the future to tell us.
I shouldn't presume anything, but I have it from a good source
His wife had presumed him dead and was living with another man.
Woe to those who presume that they are destined to ‘enlighten’ others, not themselves!
英语 单词“przypuszczać“(presume)出现在集合中:
Unit 4 - Persons, ownership and obligationsFiszki z książki - "Plays" (John Davidson)Email etiquette - słówka angielskienew matura success (upper intermediate) UNIT 5Fiszki z książki - "A Simple Story" (Mrs. Inchbald)3. assume
If there’s no proof as to what happened, we can only assume the cause of an accident.
When we hear of a divorce we assume that it was caused by the inability of those two people to agree upon fundamentals.
It's presumptuous for humans to assume that our task is to do what only God can do.
I assume that
assume, We mustn't assume the suspects' guilt.
To again assume...
A top EU official said Europe was ready to assume leadership on combating climate change
In most cases, people, even the most vicious, are much more naive and simple-minded than we assume them to be. And this is true of ourselves too.
Today cars are so popular that we assume everyone has one.
misstatements of revenues is assumed to be a specific risk
Let’s assume that this exception should be only thrown when the user with name Michael is being saved
I would assume that most of the time human actions are intended and only in small situations are they accidental.
Note that this theorem does not assume the existence of such an object.
英语 单词“przypuszczać“(assume)出现在集合中:
Czasowniki niewystępujące w czasach Continuousuni6 6 - Mystery; New Matura Solutionsprojects - business result upper unit 3crying, screaming, throwing upunit 2 str 32 słówka (nie cały rozdział!!!) focus ...4. surmise
Later I surmised that...
Charles was glad to have his surmise confirmed
英语 单词“przypuszczać“(surmise)出现在集合中:
Fiszki z książki - "Christmas Sunshine" (Various)Intelligent Business UI Unit 10Fiszki z książki - "Mother Goose's Bicycle Tour" (...Fiszki z książki - "L'Allegro, Il Penseroso, Comus...in one person chapter 25. guess
Malicious gossip spreads like wildfire. I guess that's why they say bad news travels fast.
Let me guess
I was really nervous to see how they dealt with each other just now. I guess things were touch-and-go between them.
We got an unexpected present from him. I guess he felt a little obligated after what we did for him.
My insurance coverage is too limited, so I guess I'll just have to live with my arm bones jutting out of my skin.
Guess what the managing director started off the meeting by saying. The first thing out of his mouth was an announcement of some major restructuring.
With his colored clothes, his long wig and his white gloves, one could guess he has run away from some kind of Disneyland.
Well... sighed Dima, then turned to the shopkeeper and cast her a murderous glance. "I guess I have no choice now..."
This is a copy of a photo of a painting. I guess that makes it a third level simulacrum.
I guess my view on friendship is pretty bleak because I've never really had to rely on anyone for anything.
The more I study for an exam, the worse I do! I guess correlation does not imply causation.
The only thing we can ask of others, is not to guess at how lame we are.
What does U.F.O. stand for? "It means Unidentified Flying Object, I guess."
judge tentatively or form an estimate of (quantities or time). a woman shaking a present to guess what's in it
3x2=5. | It's a guess. I never said it was an educated guess. | an estimate based on little or no information.
英语 单词“przypuszczać“(guess)出现在集合中:
UNIT 1 WORDS - LIFE VISION B1Przeszlość, różnice pokoleniowena kartkówkę str 78Sex & the city 26. reckon
Katie reckons that we should call our business "Poppy's Plants", but I disagree.
Well, I think it’ll work. What do you reckon?
I reckon that
The rescue flight had to reckon with strong winds and freezing temperatures.
Subdued girls are generally the prettiest I reckon. The loud, bustling ones are awful.
You can always reckon on me.
Ah, I reckon you go straight down this prefectural road ...
What you reckon we oughta do, Jem?
Reckon the cost before you decide to purchase the car.
his debts were reckoned at $300,000
„his debts were reckoned at $300,000” = calculate = reckon; „he reckons that the army should pull out entirely” = believe, think
Angela quickly reckoned the amount on her fingers.
they had reckoned on a day or two more of privacy
He reckoned he would be paid far more as a principal dancer with American Ballet Theatre
We’ve done all we can, I reckon. reckon he’ll win. Do you reckon you’ll be able to come? Moving house is reckoned to be one of the most stressful things you can do.
英语 单词“przypuszczać“(reckon)出现在集合中:
kartkowka 13marzecGoogle set 27. conjecture
It's conjecture. There's been a lot of conjecture about the marriage.
It´s not based on evidences It's conjecture.
How or why they died is a matter of conjecture
Amy wa sure that Jane had stolen her diamond bracelet, but her conjecture turned out to be erroneous
Well, you can only conjecture how it happened.
In any case, you are wrong in your conjecture.
We can conjecture that it may be advantageous for a particular bird to be known to its neighbors or its mate.
8. to suspect
We already have reason to suspect their loyalty to the crown.
9. fancy
I never for a moment imagined I'd be able to afford to live in such a fancy house.
Just fancy!
... fine, nice, nothing really fancy but on the pricier...
i don't need a fancy house or a fast car
I fancy shopping here – there are many fashionable clothes to choose from.
Fancy forgetting my glasses, it's so embarrassing.
Bob mounted the portrait in a fancy frame, but it was upside down.
This expression has really caught my fancy, as a type of English metaphorical expression not in Japanese.
I fancy that most people who think at all have done a great deal of their thinking in the first fourteen years.
lt's like fancy cheese in an old guy's mouth.
That's quite a fancy suit you've got, not your usual style.
It is difficult to separate fact from fancy.
He fancies himself as a bit of a singer. [+ to infinitive] Who do you fancy to win the Cup this year? [+ (that)] literary I fancied (that) I saw something moving in the corner.
The pretty lace blouse had a fancy embroidered trimming.
This cemetery even has its own site, and there is a page “News” on it! Can you fancy news from the graveyard?!
英语 单词“przypuszczać“(fancy)出现在集合中:
czasowniki poprzedzające gerundiumVerb patterns (verb + ing)