字典 波兰语 - 英语

język polski - English

nie móc znieść czegoś 用英语:

1. can't stand can't stand

I can't stand people who drop litter on beaches. Why can't they just take their rubbish home?!
I can't stand it
I can't stand drinking vegetable juices every day.
I can't stand listening to music in my car
He can't stand her smoking in the office
Two things I can't stand are work and boredom.
I can't stand commercial breaks
What kind of things can't you stand? I can't stand adults behaving like children and people treating animals badly.
I can't stand talking to people who only talk about themselves.
Tom can't stand this woman, because she is so dishonest.
Don't let the interviewer know that you want to leave your current job because you can't stand your boss.
The only trouble is the people next door; I can't stand them
I can't stand being interrupted when I'm talking.
A lot of people can't stand the smell of garlic.
I can't stand going to office parties.

2. couldn't bear something couldn't bear something

英语 单词“nie móc znieść czegoś“(couldn't bear something)出现在集合中:

rozdział 1 upper

3. can't bear it can't bear it

4. at the end of my rope at the end of my rope

英语 单词“nie móc znieść czegoś“(at the end of my rope)出现在集合中:

04. Słówka 03 - Idioms 03

5. can't stand something can't stand something

6. can't bear something can't bear something

英语 单词“nie móc znieść czegoś“(can't bear something)出现在集合中:

Music and emotions- gerunds and infinitives