字典 波兰语 - 英语

język polski - English

kończyć się 用英语:

1. be over be over

The meeting will be over before 8 o'clock.
The film will be over at 10 pm.
The match will be over at about 5.
The film starts at 8 pm and will be over at 10 pm
he last show will be over in about 15 minutes

英语 单词“kończyć się“(be over)出现在集合中:

7 ways to live life in a purpose
Lesson 12 09/06/2020
Lesson 11 14/06/2020
czasowniki frazowe

2. run out run out

its batteries never run out
I've run out ofmilk/money/ideas/patience.
how do you make sure that you don't run out
I am sorry, but we have run out of time. I really have run out of things to say. This yogurt ran out two weeks ago. He ran out from the house and started screaming that he loves her.
I’ve got money you can borrow if you run out.
We could simply run out of natural resources
We can't drive forward, the petrol run out
Time is running out. Probably the batteries have run out. I always thought she run out on me.
Oil supplies in this area will have run out by the year 2031. / time is running out / my money ran out / my patience is running out
-We've run out of the paper for printing. -Time's running out, we've got only 2 minutes left. -I ran out of butter in the morning so I had to go shopping.
She no longer works and her money has run out.
Is there any sugar in the cupboard? No, I must go to the supermarket, we've completely run out.
Other sources of energy will be needed as fossil fuels will run out.
The party is finished. We've run out of beer.
I’m afraid we’ve run out of sugar. Will you borrow some from Mrs Berry?

英语 单词“kończyć się“(run out)出现在集合中:

rozdział race across london
Houston We Have A Problem
Angielski - logistyka/produkcja
unit 4 - pharmacy
angielski 3 seria

3. run out of run out of

We've run out of petrol.
In 5 minutes I'll run out of time.
I've run out of money, can you help me?
He went travelling but his money run out of and had to come early
We’ve run out of coffee, so I’ll pick some up at the supermarket
We’ve run out of spaghetti, so can you go and buy a packet?
We have run out of food - I'm going to the shop for something!
Because sooner or later, you run out of places to hide.
Have you ever run out of things to say in a conversation?
at the end of the month i run out of the money
"I think the саr is аbout to run out of petrоl!" "There isn't аnу morе milk. We've run out."
We've run out of the paper for printing. Time's running out, we've got only 2 minutes left. I ran out of butter in the morning so I had to go shopping.
I need to go shopping as I have run out of food.
We are completly run out of sugar. We must buy some in the supermarket.
get some milk in case you run out of milk

英语 单词“kończyć się“(run out of)出现在集合中:

unit 4 angielski słówka F.R.
lang6, mat 6 rev 6
social problems
verbsy hakieś
angielski 2 roz

4. running out of

英语 单词“kończyć się“(running out of)出现在集合中:

kartkowka stodowisko
material world

5. end

It's a dead end.
Killing your spouse is one way to end a marriage. However, it's frowned upon.
It may seem like a lot of trouble to go through, but in the end, you'll be happy you did it.
Whatever happens, I'll stick to my principles to the bitter end.
If I happen to end up going abroad, I'd probably go for France.
How did you end up on your own?
When I'm with a crying baby, I end up wanting to cry myself!
Japan's gold and foreign exchange reserves stood at $68.9 billion at the end of 1998, down from $77.0 billion a year earlier.
Even at the end of the nineteenth century, sailors in the British Navy were not permitted to use knives and forks because using them was considered a sign of weakness.
The baseball game was so exciting that everyone stayed until the very end.
The swimmer, Cindy Nicholas, barely made it ashore at Dover at the end of the exhausting swim, but a spokesman from the Channel Swimming Association announced that she was in very good shape.
I hate it when I work late and end up missing an episode of a show I'm following.
In the end, because of the disease, he became unable to walk and had to use a motorized wheelchair to get around.
Relationships built on money will end when the money runs out.
World War One did not end quickly or easily.

英语 单词“kończyć się“(end)出现在集合中:

UNIT 1.25 - At reception
Callan stage 7 lesson 107
natalia oleś 22-23
Słowa na E-4

6. terminate

The military operation was terminated in 1969.
If the measurements are negative, we terminate the bore hole
The road terminates in the woods.
wypowiedzieć umowę - terminate the agreement
If you don't start performing better at work, I'll have to terminate your contract.
The agreement will terminate.

英语 单词“kończyć się“(terminate)出现在集合中:

Anatomical description – Medical English; Opis ana...

7. end up

I never thought he'd end up in prison. He ended up working as a photographer after he tried different jobs.
At the end of the play, all of the audience end up in the same place.
He will end up in prison
end up in trouble/ end up homeless/ end up spending over 200 euro
Right now I'm in the middle of looking for a dresser, but I didn't end up getting one on Monday because the furniture in that store was a little bit out of my budget. So I'm going to keep shopping around
He went out to Zambia to see where his bikes end up.
Much of this meat will probably end up as dog food. They're travelling across Europe by train and are planning to end up in Moscow.
We got completely lost and we end up miles away from where we wanted to go
I hope I end up married with 3 kids in the future.
After travelling around the US for a few months, I need to end up in New York to start my new job.
1) We couldn't get tickets for Egypt so we ENDED UP going to Turkey instead. 2) If he continues his misconduct, he'll end up in prison.
to end up as winner; I ended up by doing it myself.
People end up multitasking
Hollywood actors always end up the same way - rich and unhappy.
His headmaster once told him he would either end up in prison or a millionaire.

英语 单词“kończyć się“(end up)出现在集合中:

Lessons 22&23- 18 & 20.12.2017
2 kolos zestaw słówek pk
communication 28 may

8. run out of something

英语 单词“kończyć się“(run out of something)出现在集合中:

oksford solutions unit 7,8,9
Angielski zwykły

9. run low

英语 单词“kończyć się“(run low)出现在集合中:

train crashes
Train crashes

10. come to an end

Everything must come to an end one day.
All good things come to an end. I can’t believe those two weeks of my holiday are gone already.

英语 单词“kończyć się“(come to an end)出现在集合中:

Artykuł o stanach
kolokacje 1504-1537
RFFCE come. s. 86

11. running out

We're running out of parsley. Go to the store (UK = shop) and buy some.

英语 单词“kończyć się“(running out)出现在集合中:

angielski lekcja 2.4
Nauka angielskiego