When the bus swerved to miss a cat, the driver said, "That was close."
The hit-and-run driver, accompanied by his father, came and turned himself in the next day.
Nothing is the matter with the car. It's just that you are a bad driver.
Today, my son is a driver. I can always drive because I don't drink alcohol.
key driver
The driver really screwed up the team when he drove them to the wrong playing field in a different town.
If a coach is on a couch that's on a coach and the latter has a driver, then all is fine. If a coach is on a couch that's on a coach, but the driver drives the former, then the couch is crushed and the coach is dead.
The speeding vehicle skidded and crashed head-on into the rear-end of a truck before the driver could say Jack Robinson.
With a little more care, the driver could have avoided such a tragic accident.
If you want the taxi driver to have a tip, hand him too much money and say, "Keep the change."
Kimura is a Tokyo university graduate who became a taxi driver. According to some people's standards, he might be considered a failure, but I think it's fine as long as he likes driving.
It was her first time sitting in the driver's seat.
шофёр такси|taxi driver
The elephant driver was very kind and he helped Joe climb up onto the elephant’s back.
You noisy children will be chucked off by the driver.
英语 单词“kierowca“(driver)出现在集合中:
English File Elementary Unit 3 /QuizletProfessions – Basic Polish VocabularyJobs & Proffesions - Zawody MilenaUnit 8: Travel: Air, Train, Road, SeaMatura Solutions Intermediate Unit 8 92.
A passing motorist gave us a lift to the nearby town.
There are many motorists on the highway, so there is a lot of traffic.
英语 单词“kierowca“(motorist)出现在集合中:
Gosia: Pass2 u8: 8. Ważne /trudne słówkaGosia: Pass2 u8: 7. Inne wyrazyJunior Explorer 6 - Unit 3Open World B2 First - Unit 4Bruno - ulica - 21 grudnia3.
bus driver
英语 单词“kierowca“(bus driver)出现在集合中:
Dominika kl. 4, rozdział 2Steps 2 Unit 14.
Somebody ripped off the handlebar of my bike.
英语 单词“kierowca“(handlebar)出现在集合中:
angielski zawodowy