字典 波兰语 - 英语

język polski - English

haczyk 用英语:

1. hook

I baited the hook.
I got several bites, but could not hook a fish.
He hooked the umbrella over his arm and went outside.
Does a worm scream silently when a fisherman impales it on a hook?
The hook doesn't catch.
With one glorious right hook, Punkin' Pie uncrowned the reigning heavyweight champion.
The driver attached the tow hook to the front end of her car in order to pull it onto the tow truck.
Everytime I hear this hook on the radio I just want to dance.
It has to be a great song, with a great hook, great lyrics, and a great melody.
He's a pirate with a hook instead of a hand. (On jest piratem z hakiem zamiast dłoni.)
The concert was the main hook of the event.
How could you hook me? I trusted you.
We want to make all our points while we've got them hooked!
They hooked me into paying for everybody's lunch.
I want to hook another communication line into the system.

英语 单词“haczyk“(hook)出现在集合中:

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2. catch

Catch him.
What's your favorite kind of fish to catch?
He doesn't want to leave the room because he's afraid that he'll catch another cold.
Some Italian fashion designers are saying that white bathing suits will catch on this year.
Since I was sick for a week, I'm making every possible effort to catch up.
I will catch up on my homework tonight.
Is it possible to catch AIDS from toilet seats? "No, it isn't."
If you catch a cold, you cannot easily get rid of it.
She won't leave the room, because she doesn't want to catch another cold.
That offer sounds too good to be true. What's the catch?
I've got 20 bucks that says we'll catch the escaped prisoners before daybreak.
You may catch him, if you call at his office before eight.
I'll let you off this time, but I don't ever want to catch you stealing again.
It's possible, though rare, for humans to catch diseases from animals.
You may catch sight of our house from the train.

英语 单词“haczyk“(catch)出现在集合中:

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