字典 荷兰人 - 英语

Nederlands, Vlaams - English

huishouden 用英语:

1. housework housework

She was busy with housework.
The time women spend doing housework is now a lot less than it used to be.
Electrical appliances have made housework easier.
Having finished all her housework, she sat down on the sofa to watch television.
I postponed doing my housework for a few hours.
The American home does away with most housework by using machines.
The washing machine facilitates my housework.
When I said that work had got busy so could we split the housework my husband pulled a face.
My housework is to wash the dishes.
I had to do all the housework, but I wish I had gone to the movies or shopping.
It is time not only to equalize men's and women's wages, but also to equalize responsibility for housework.
After 5, the professional work is done, and the housework begins.
My mother is a psychologist and she does not like housework very much.
I hate doing housework. Washing the dishes is the most boring thing ever.
Many people take advantage of the weekend to carry out housework.

2. household

People are buying iMacs the same way they buy household appliances.
household expenses
A household is a group that shares the same living space and finances.
What're you doing? "The household books. Our finances are pretty tight so we have to do things properly."
As the proverb goes, “To manage a household and maintain relationships, you cannot do without money.”
When there were unexpected expenses in the household of me and my wife, we could not avoid pawning our belongings.
Man's best friend certainly makes a good addition to a household.
Nowadays, equal pay is not enough, household responsibilities must also be distributed evenly.
A high household savings rate in Japan is attributed, among other things, to people's desire to save money to buy a home.
It must be terribly difficult, running her household on her own after divorcing.
This shop sells household articles. Although still the most common type of household is the couple with one or two children
All household appliances are on sale for 10% off
... female head of a household— married or unmarried.
Finding time to spend together as a family can be difficult. In many households, parents have to go to work, which limits the time they have to spend with their children. In addition, children are involved in school and other activities.
However, I've never been a guest in an English household that wasn't generous.