字典 拉脱维亚 - 英语

latviešu valoda - English

palikt 用英语:

1. to stay to stay

I'm going to stay at grandma's for the night.
Peter decided to stay at home, because he did't feel well.
I'm going to stay home today.
I'm going to stay here another week.
She decided to stay home.
It's too dangerous to stay here alone.
I’m going to stay one week in London.

英语 单词“palikt“(to stay)出现在集合中:

Top 1000 Latvian Words 151 - 200
Top 500 Latvian verbs 1 - 50

2. to remain to remain

The unionists, mainly Protestants, want Northern Ireland to remain part of the UK.
He decided to remain at home.

英语 单词“palikt“(to remain)出现在集合中:

Top 500 Latvian verbs 101 - 150