字典 印度尼西亚 - 英语

Bahasa Indonesia - English

mencari 用英语:

1. look for look for

I look for the new book.
Can you help me look for my key? I've lost it!
Jane went shopping to look for a pair of shoes
I'd better look for a job before my wife decides to divorce me
I’ll help you look for your keys.
I look for the facts on the internet.
I look form my glasses.
I look for a new car but I don't want an expensive car.
These directions say to look for the old town hall and that the bus stop we need is over the road from there.

英语 单词“mencari“(look for)出现在集合中:

Top 1000 Indonesian words 176 - 200
Activities - Kata kerja

2. look out look out