字典 印度尼西亚 - 英语

Bahasa Indonesia - English

ini 用英语:

1. this

This is life!
This book says the earliest man-made bridges date back to the New Stone Age.
This article is critical of the way investigations are being made into the matter.
This expressway connects Tokyo with Nagoya.
This old French table is a very valuable piece of furniture.
Is there a public toilet in this building?
Will I get to the station if I take this road?
This program has both downloading and uploading capabilities.
The curry at this restaurant is good.
Though grammatically there is nothing wrong with this sentence, I doubt if anyone would actually ever use it.
Before this car, I drove a Nissan.
If you continue to take this herbal medicine, it will do you good.
Can I have this box carried upstairs?
Women work on equal terms with men in this firm.
This beautiful house is so expensive that we can't buy it.

英语 单词“ini“(this)出现在集合中:

Top 1000 kata dalam bahasa Inggris 1 - 25
Top 1000 Indonesian words 1 - 25
People - Orang