字典 法国 - 英语

Français - English

peler 用英语:

1. peel peel

We don't need to peel plums before eating them.
His fake moustache started to peel off on one side.
I can peel an apple.
Peel and finely chop the horseradish.
peel potatoes
Some teachers peel potatoes while teaching.
... bag, spills a banana peel and a paper cup.
This is a strip search, so peel!
She decorated the dessert with orange peel.
You have to peel carrots and apples to this juice.
to peel
It’s easier to peel the potatoes with a sharp knife.
I always peel fruit with a knife before I eat it.
The cook is going to demonstrate how to peel a lemon.
Lend me a knife with which to peel this pear.

英语 单词“peler“(peel)出现在集合中:

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Fiches du livre - "The Sure to Rise Cookery Book I...